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The official "What did you do to your jet boat today" thread.

Oil Change and spark plugs.C10BE822-2BFD-45F1-B5CE-7EC7AA17FC0D.jpeg4292A8FF-7B48-4D86-94F6-DB93271B56B1.jpeg
@Hilario Perez I can't find the link or email of where I got them, but I think it was Atlantic Jet Sports. ADA Racing didn't have the parts in stock when I was looking (last year). I did a quick google search and you can find a bunch of different companies that carry these.

This was the video that got me going and resource for some of the info... Pisser - Bilge port replacement - prices have gone up a bit since the video was made.

Bilge - 3/4" straight - Part # 30-450190
Pisser - 1/2" 45* - Part # 30-265190

I did have to round the hole out just a little. Like stated in the video, it's close, but with it being aluminum you don't want to risk messing up the threads. I took a 1/2" drill bit and carefully enlarged the hole with the side of the bit. Didn't take but 20 seconds on each one. Grind a little and then test. Grind a little more, and then test.

It really is a 20 minute, maybe 30 minute max. installation.
It looks like you need an OEM Yamaha boat cover. If you’re interested let me know. I have one for sale in the box. PM me
Thanks @Hilario Perez , I actually have a few OEM covers. That is my winter “beater” cover. I wish it was a few feet longer, but at $120, it takes the risk out of losing a good cover to winter weather.
I did "MY" first oil change and spark plug change on the boat last week. When I took the Stbd engine cover off I found that all of the coil packs were missing one screw. I drove it that way all year last year. why would someone do that?
THAT is a good question. Is it necessary to remove the engine covers on yours?
I did "MY" first oil change and spark plug change on the boat last week. When I took the Stbd engine cover off I found that all of the coil packs were missing one screw. I drove it that way all year last year. why would someone do that?

Good to know the coils will still make contact with one screw. I dropped one of them into the abyss while reinstalling the coil. Smh
did you have to modify the holes to install those new pissers and if you can send some info of where did you purchase them from? You will be very helpful.

Same here, I would love to get rid of the factory pissers and now is the time to do it when I am detailing the hull!
Same here, I would love to get rid of the factory pissers and now is the time to do it when I am detailing the hull!
This might help:
Hope the radials are better - I went through 2 sets of the bias ply in 1.5 years.
I HATE my factory trailer tires. Will be switching ice I get a little more wear on them. Unfortunately, I only trailer at most , 40 miles 1 way to Fort Desoto. Other than that, 6 miles 1 way.
I HATE my factory trailer tires. Will be switching ice I get a little more wear on them. Unfortunately, I only trailer at most , 40 miles 1 way to Fort Desoto. Other than that, 6 miles 1 way.

The goodyear endurance have been fantastic.
Syn-dx4 installed
WS Rev 12 HDs installed


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Syn-dx4 installed
WS Rev 12 HDs installed

What are your impressions of the 12's? Do you have any prior experience with the standard Rev10s in comparison?

Would the 12's not fit above the tower in the spot of the stock ICON 8s?

Those stock ICON 8s seem like an after thought when you have the 12s mounted below them. I'd imagine they'd be drowned out.

I do plan on throwing 6 Rev12HDs on my next build and would love to hear your impressions.
What are your impressions of the 12's? Do you have any prior experience with the standard Rev10s in comparison?

Would the 12's not fit above the tower in the spot of the stock ICON 8s?

Those stock ICON 8s seem like an after thought when you have the 12s mounted below them. I'd imagine they'd be drowned out.

I do plan on throwing 6 Rev12HDs on my next build and would love to hear your impressions.
I didn't get a chance to listen to them yet. As soon as I got them mounted it started to downpour. Depending on how everything sounds together, I may just unplug the WS amp that controls the icons and sound bar. I'll def let you know how everything goes. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish up the wiring and do some testing.
Not my boat, but finished wetsanding, buffing, and thorough cleaning this boat before giving back to its owner. Came out better than i hoped. He should be very happy. Pumps rebuilt, intermediate bearing, and lots of other work. Dropping off at his house tomorrow
@Neutron Looks good, what were your wet sanding steps?
Thanks, i used 1000, then 2000
Then buffed with red pad using compound. Then black pad with marine finess it.
Its not perfect but its as good as i am going to get it. The black was the worse part. This boat has been on a lift since 2014 so it was pretty beat up