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Towing with Tesla Model X

I haven’t researched much on electric vehicles, just never really interest me, yesterday we flew into Amsterdam for the weekend, we walked outside the airport and got in the taxi line.
A guy asked if we wanted to skip
The line because we had our 7 year old out in the cold and rain. He flagged down the next taxi, as I walked up to it the doors almost hit me in the face as they came up, I thought “oh that’s cool” then got the bags and family in the car. I sat in front and looked at the huge screen and realized it was a Tesla X.
It was cool, very very comfortable seat, my 13 year old was like ? the whole ride. The driver said he loves it. I couldn’t figure out how to open the front door to get in, the driver finally told me to push the handle?‍♂️01E676EE-F244-4FF1-A78C-285A3AF46AEF.jpeg
Lol! 30 minutes waiting for a full charge? In thirty minutes I can go to sleep and awake twice, watch Netflix thrice, eat food, and jump in my swimming pool! Definitely not waiting for that much! Not matter electric or not!
Seriously? I'm kind of curious what external chemical stimulus you're using?

An EV probably isn't the right choice--yet--for someone who travels into the boonies a lot. Me, after four hours of driving I need a 30 minute break--at least. The new Tesla superchargers will give you 250 miles of range in 15 minutes. I'll need more time than that for a break. If you do lots of driving into the boonies it may be another year or so before EVs are really as convenient as ICE. It is coming though. For most of us, we'll spend far LESS time fueling with an EV than an ICE vehicle. Plug the car in when you get home, full charge a few hours later. 10 seconds of your time spent fueling. How much time do you spend at the gas station? Waiting 30 minutes? you already do that every if you add up your time going to the gas station. Maybe not the first trip, but add up one, two or three trips and you do. So, by your argument you really need to ditch ICE and go EV... Just saying.
We will be a household enjoying best of both worlds. I’ll be able to get 700+ miles out my truck for road trips and EV for around town and wife’s work commute, which may get into the 250 mile range on longer days.
I don't know about you guys but spending that kind of money I would expect a bit better QC and quality of product.

These videos show the kinds of things that would annoy me if dropping that kind of coin you expect a higher end overall experience. I've seen Kia's with better fit and finish. Hope they can get these kinds of quirks resolved as they grow as a company.

A 242 Costs way more and many on the board seem to put up with worse :D

Sorry could not resist!!!!

You are right, build quality will need to improve to remain competitive.
Funny you say that as I was going to say I wonder if Tesla workers previously worked at Yamaha :D

BTW I just realized there is not a single dealership or even service center in Alabama. Apparently you can't legally buy one in Alabama either. That would make me very cautious about purchasing something with no way to take it into service economically. Having to cross state lines just for service would be an instant no for me. Nearest dealer to me is 176 miles away or a 3 hour drive. Simply not logical to own one here. Guess we are too far in the boonies lol.

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Funny you say that as I was going to say I wonder if Tesla workers previously worked at Yamaha :D

BTW I just realized there is not a single dealership or even service center in Alabama. Apparently you can't legally buy one in Alabama either. That would make me very cautious about purchasing something with no way to take it into service economically. Having to cross state lines just for service would be an instant no for me. Nearest dealer to me is 176 miles away or a 3 hour drive. Simply not logical to own one here. Guess we are too far in the boonies lol.

They would come out to you with their mobile service unit. There's really not much service/maintenance with these cars.

I got a text (out of the blue) saying they have parts for my M3. Turns out they're on the other coast and transferred the service to Tampa. They're coming to me to install an rear spoiler and "badge" the car. I'll take the spoiler but my just hold on the badge.

Lots of their parts (which are online now) are modular. Swapping components is not difficult.

This article states how to purchase a Tesla in Alabama. If there's a will there's a way. ;)
I don't know about you guys but spending that kind of money I would expect a bit better QC and quality of product.

These videos show the kinds of things that would annoy me if dropping that kind of coin you expect a higher end overall experience. I've seen Kia's with better fit and finish. Hope they can get these kinds of quirks resolved as they grow as a company.

Tesla absolutely had QC issues early in the production of the Model 3. Paint in particular was not so good. Early adopters always face some issues... It's part of why I waited. Elon did openly address this issue and made it a priority to fix it. All of the Teslas I've seen since Spring of this year have been much, much better. Currently I'd rate fit and finish not quite as good as German luxury auomobiles, but at least as good as Japanese and other American cars. Delivery is always an issue which is why you should ALWAYS inspect a vehicle before you accept it. My 2017 Nissan had worse delivery damage than the Model 3 in the above posted video.

Yep, service is an issue for people that live in the "boonies". This is another issue that Elon has openly admitted and committed to fix. Most of the time this won't really be an issue due to low maintenance requirements, but it certainly could be in some cases of the rare defect.

Politicians take "legal" bribes from all sorts of lobbyists. Car dealers have a very effective and powerful lobby. That's why Tesla is having a difficult time in many states. Car dealers are terrified of Tesla's business model and are pulling out all of the stops to fight Tesla. LOL, it's not just Tesla either. For instance here in Washington it is illegal to put a newer, cleaner, engine in an older vehicle. The justification given is that we need clean air??? You wouldn't believe the conversation I had with a few of the powers that be in WA state's EPA. "Why can't I put this 2012 motor in my '92 Blazer? It's cleaner and get's better gas mileage." The answer, seriously; "I know it's cleaner but we need to protect the environment." Me: "But you just said it's cleaner?" Them: "I know. Obviously it's cleaner. But you can't do it, don't you care about the environment?" This went on, and on, and on. Clearly this regulation is all about the dealer's lobby. They don't want you restoring old cars, they want you to buy new cars. Anyways, Alabama politicians--or politicians anywhere--care not a whit about your choice or what's right, they care about campaign contributions they can convert to personal use. So yeah, that will be an issue too.

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If you order a car from their website is there no haggling or wheelin' n' dealin'? Not that I'm interested but after watching this video it seems the dealership and buying process seems a bit different than traditional vehicles. His charging inconvenience is what I think a lot of people get cautious about when thinking of going with Tesla or EV's in general. Some of the things he brings up I'm like meh but other aspects I can see and understand the concern or something to think about if someone is planning to get a Tesla or EV. Interesting about his tire lifespan on other vehicles and Tesla suggesting he keep the ride height at Standard. Kind of defeats having that option IMO.

If you order a car from their website is there no haggling or wheelin' n' dealin'? Not that I'm interested but after watching this video it seems the dealership and buying process seems a bit different than traditional vehicles. His charging inconvenience is what I think a lot of people get cautious about when thinking of going with Tesla or EV's in general. Some of the things he brings up I'm like meh but other aspects I can see and understand the concern or something to think about if someone is planning to get a Tesla or EV. Interesting about his tire lifespan on other vehicles and Tesla suggesting he keep the ride height at Standard. Kind of defeats having that option IMO.
That's correct. Zero haggling; the price is the price. If you have a trade in they'll make you an offer based on Kelley Blue Book Trade in. If you bring in a quote from Car Max--no more than seven days old--they'll match the Car Max quote.

As far as charging, Tesla now has the option of using Chademo chargers. (Optional adapter.) That really opens up your options as far as charging. Those aren't quite as convenient as Superchargers, but they'll do in a pinch. The European Model 3s can use the CCS chargers, so we'll probably see an adapter available for that soon as well. That will open up even more options. The infrastructure for EV charging is rapidly expanding. But still, for some few people this could be an issue. Me, I doubt I'll use a charging station more than once or twice a year. So even if it's a hassle my overall time spent waiting for fuel is about to drop dramatically. I just finished wiring in two Tesla chargers in my garage and our Model 3 should be here in December, The Model Y this Spring or Summer.

That's correct. Zero haggling; the price is the price. If you have a trade in they'll make you an offer based on Kelley Blue Book Trade in. If you bring in a quote from Car Max--no more than seven days old--they'll match the Car Max quote.

Ever got a quote from CarMax? They offer you around 10-15% BELOW current wholesale value. You could quite literally put near zero effort into a craigslist post and get more money. I'm not much of one to attempt to get the best deal on everything, but Carmax is literally the WORST place to sell a car I can think of.........Not a dig at Tesla, just a comment in general.

One other quick comment.........Aren't most boat ramps "in the boonies"?!?! My experience is that they are, but I've not been to any of the coasts, or out west.
Our ramp is 10 minutes from our house and we aren't in the boonies. There are EV chargers at my work and Tesla superchargers within 15 minutes of my house (and really all along the major freeways here in northern California. I'm not in the market for an X but am very seriously considering a couple year old used S or a new model 3.

Regarding paint - it's not like all of the other manufacturers are immune from unacceptable paint. The 2004 GMC Yukon we previously owned, our neighbors 2006 Denali, our 2005 Mercedes, and our 2017 Jeep all have paint that is far from perfect. Our Land Cruiser has nearly flawless paint and, surprisingly, the paint on my 2005 Dodge 2500 has been very durable despite being parked outside every day. I see a LOT of 10+ year old GM vehicles running around with totally disintegrating clearcoat. Why, in this millenium, good quality paint isn't a given completely blows my mind.
Ever got a quote from CarMax? They offer you around 10-15% BELOW current wholesale value. You could quite literally put near zero effort into a craigslist post and get more money. I'm not much of one to attempt to get the best deal on everything, but Carmax is literally the WORST place to sell a car I can think of.........Not a dig at Tesla, just a comment in general.

One other quick comment.........Aren't most boat ramps "in the boonies"?!?! My experience is that they are, but I've not been to any of the coasts, or out west.

Absolutely. Carmax or any trade in is not going to get you anywhere within a couple of thousand of what you could sell a car for yourself. Here in WA state though, you only pay sales tax on your new car less the amount of your trade in. So if I get 20K for my trade in, I'm going to need to get at least 22K in a private sale to make it remotely worth the hassle of selling my old car separately. Often, it's just not worth the hassle of selling it yourself. Another great law that the politicians made at the behest of--and for the enrichment of--the car dealers.

All of the boat ramps I might go to on a regular basis are within easy towing range of an X or even a Y. If not, there's superchargers en route. Doesn't really matter to me as I'll be towing with my Blazer anyways.
One thing I love about Tesla are the updates!!! Got another one last night (believe it's the 4th one since taking ownership in July). It gave me more power, nav prediction, charge for departure time (charges overnight in non-peak hours) and one foot driving (nice not having to touch the break pedal). Feels like I have new car again. Maybe it's Musk's way of "keeping you hooked"!
One thing I love about Tesla are the updates!!! Got another one last night (believe it's the 4th one since taking ownership in July). It gave me more power, nav prediction, charge for departure time (charges overnight in non-peak hours) and one foot driving (nice not having to touch the break pedal). Feels like I have new car again. Maybe it's Musk's way of "keeping you hooked"!
Who covers the OTA data and connection expense on a Tesla? or does it only update when at home over Wifi?!?
Who covers the OTA data and connection expense on a Tesla? or does it only update when at home over Wifi?!?
All OTA is done on Wifi. Tesla covers connection expense.
I think you mean cellular
TESLA covers it for a year. Then it’s $99/year after.

I’m curious about the truck. I already have a model 3 and a ram 1500 to tow the boat. We get to see the truck next week but it will most likely be 24-36 months before they hit the market. Elon spoke about the price at 50k but I’m guessing well equipped will be more like 100k.

the model 3 is a unique driving experience. The self driving option is worth it if you drive on interstates often. In 6 months, I’ve put 12k miles on it. Mainly short work round trips of 150miles per day. Set to charge at 1am and it’s full when I leave.