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Towing with Tesla Model X

TESLA covers it for a year. Then it’s $99/year after.

I’m curious about the truck. I already have a model 3 and a ram 1500 to tow the boat. We get to see the truck next week but it will most likely be 24-36 months before they hit the market. Elon spoke about the price at 50k but I’m guessing well equipped will be more like 100k.

the model 3 is a unique driving experience. The self driving option is worth it if you drive on interstates often. In 6 months, I’ve put 12k miles on it. Mainly short work round trips of 150miles per day. Set to charge at 1am and it’s full when I leave.
I guess I'm grandfathered in. 2017 Model S, I still don't pay for cellular.
Not 100% certain but I think S and X are on a different level vs. the 3 on the cellular, just like some S have free supercharger but 3s have to pay.
What are you guys hearing about the Telsa truck? Are tow ratings reasonable?
What are you guys hearing about the Telsa truck? Are tow ratings reasonable?

The rumor is a 12,000 pound tow rating and 0-60 in under 3 seconds. Nobody really knows though. Hopefully, all will be revealed on Nov 21.
The rumor is a 12,000 pound tow rating and 0-60 in under 3 seconds. Nobody really knows though. Hopefully, all will be revealed on Nov 21.
I've been reading similar reports.

On a slightly related note, I just finished watching/listening to the Joe Rogan interview of Elon Musk. Gotta say, Elon didn't do himself any favors in that interview. I get the general sense that most people think he's some sort of genius alien, when I get more of an eccentric engineer/entreprenuer vibe from him. About the only real insight that was a "wow this guy is really thinking" moment for me was his comment about limbic system resonance and it's link to social media platform success rates. That was a perspective that seemed truly new and unique to me. The rest of the interview was what I would call "aggressive R&D" thinking. Taking a seemingly "wild" idea and pursuing it until you find the true reason it won't work, like magnet roads, or vacuum maglev tube rail system. Take that thinking, and combine it with a giant pile of cash, and sprinkle some lack of inhibition of failure in there, and there you go. Neat guy, really smart and insightful, but not alien level genius IMO.

One thing from that interview that really struck me though.....Elon made a comment along the lines of "You have to make them compelling" in reference to vehicles at the consumer level. I really don't see that in the vehicle styling. They are technically compelling, but in terms of styling I find them fairly polarizing. I've not met many folks that are "Yea, they're OK". You either love it or hate it. Of course Jeep has been selling on that for years as well, so what the heck do I know?!?! Hope his truck doesn't stray too far from current trends.
Well, Elon has the maturity level of an 8-year-old boy. I expect the truck to show that. His Bladerunner references have me concerned that we're going to be subjected to some 70's sci-fi vision of the pickup truck of the future. We'll see. I think this could be the vehicle to allow us to go all electric but I fear it's going to be a weird-mobile. I'm hoping it's just Elon overselling, like when he said the Model 3 dash was going to "look like a spaceship."

Support in the boonies is actually better than in the Bay Area. It's common to wait weeks for a service appointment there. There are 4 technicians in Oklahoma. They come to your house whenever you need them. I have all of their cell phone #'s and can text them if I need anything. Way better service than you can get from ANY other manufacturer.
Well, Elon has the maturity level of an 8-year-old boy. I expect the truck to show that. His Bladerunner references have me concerned that we're going to be subjected to some 70's sci-fi vision of the pickup truck of the future. We'll see. I think this could be the vehicle to allow us to go all electric but I fear it's going to be a weird-mobile. I'm hoping it's just Elon overselling, like when he said the Model 3 dash was going to "look like a spaceship."

Support in the boonies is actually better than in the Bay Area. It's common to wait weeks for a service appointment there. There are 4 technicians in Oklahoma. They come to your house whenever you need them. I have all of their cell phone #'s and can text them if I need anything. Way better service than you can get from ANY other manufacturer.
I keep opening this thread thinking the next post may be a model x toward a boat. ??‍♂️
Well, Elon has the maturity level of an 8-year-old boy. I expect the truck to show that. His Bladerunner references have me concerned that we're going to be subjected to some 70's sci-fi vision of the pickup truck of the future. We'll see. I think this could be the vehicle to allow us to go all electric but I fear it's going to be a weird-mobile. I'm hoping it's just Elon overselling, like when he said the Model 3 dash was going to "look like a spaceship."

Support in the boonies is actually better than in the Bay Area. It's common to wait weeks for a service appointment there. There are 4 technicians in Oklahoma. They come to your house whenever you need them. I have all of their cell phone #'s and can text them if I need anything. Way better service than you can get from ANY other manufacturer.

Some of the renderings out there are the ugliest thing I have ever seen. No way they will fly with the masses. Whenever Ford releases the electric F150 it will remain king.
They would come out to you with their mobile service unit. There's really not much service/maintenance with these cars.

I got a text (out of the blue) saying they have parts for my M3. Turns out they're on the other coast and transferred the service to Tampa. They're coming to me to install an rear spoiler and "badge" the car. I'll take the spoiler but my just hold on the badge.

Lots of their parts (which are online now) are modular. Swapping components is not difficult.

This article states how to purchase a Tesla in Alabama. If there's a will there's a way. ;)
Today they came out to where I work and installed the spoiler and added the "DUAL MOTOR" badge. Pretty cool...

Need to get one of those

Need to get one of those farty-sounding exhausts, too
well, tesla has fart mode, which my girls love!
well, tesla has fart mode, which my girls love!
I heard they're going to make the car horn make different sounds as well: cow bells, all the fart sounds. You know, when trying to park at the mall or grocery store and people walk out in front of you or walk down the center of the road cause they can't hear you coming. Instead of beeping the horn you can "hit" them with another funny or crude noise. Good times await...
looks really nice. did they talk about towing capabilities?
Should not be called a Mustang of all things. Ford Edge...yes. Mustang....um no.