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Towing with Tesla Model X

The new Ford looks good inside and out, and they're definitely targeting the Model Y audience. The efficiency is significantly behind the Tesla Y requiring a 98.8 kWh battery to match Tesla's range using just a 70 kWh battery. It's still early and maybe those numbers will change. Hope so. It's good to see automakers jumping in with EV options and I hope Ford succeeds. Given the 45% larger battery I'm curious to know if they can turn a profit on it. The rule of thumb at current battery pack pricing is $190 per kWh, so the larger pack adds about $5,500 in cost over the Tesla Y.
It's great to see options. But I just don't see how other car manufacturers can compete with the supercharging network.
After watching that video of the Tesla X pulling the big boat it’s clear to me the supercharging network is not ideal for most people. At least not yet. The Asian guy as geeked out as he was you could tell the micromanagement of charger hopping and waiting at each station is kind annoying unless you’re all but the most patient person. For me sitting there for over 30 minutes just isn’t ideal or sound like fun. Sure it would be ok for the first few times but long term thinking of sitting at gas or charging stations for hours each month doesn’t sound like a good time.
Ford just ruined the Mustang name, they should have came up with an original name for this vehicle. It looks nothing like a Mustang.

This is the only way to electrify a Mustang.

Zombie 222

Ford just ruined the Mustang name,
They ruined the mustang name years ago with the Mustang 2. LOL. Ford cares about the Mustang name just as much as Chevy cares about the Blazer name, which is to say not at all.
Idk I think the S550 is a nice Mustang. I prefer it over the Camaro by far. Of course not everyone likes them but that’s what makes choices great.
It's great to see options. But I just don't see how other car manufacturers can compete with the supercharging network.
They could easily compete with a supercharger network they have Ford dealers in just about every town in the whole country. They are also approved vendors for most city and country government agencies they will probably outsell Tesla in electric vehicles with anything even if it’s only half as good as a Tesla.
Today's the DAY Tesla unveils the CYBRTRK!! Anyone excited? Who wants one and how many? Can't wait....
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We'll find out tonight. Shame we have to wait all day. Comes on at 7pm Pacific time!!!
8pm Pacific, but these events typically start later than announced time.
8pm Pacific, but these events typically start later than announced time.
Damn, 11pm here on East Coast. Guess I’ll check it out tomorrow.
Link is live

Cybertruck Unveil | Tesla


Watching now.........Anyone else?......OMG he can't be serious, I'm waiting for the punchline. This can't be right can it. he's not winning ANYONE with that design.
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Puke. Love the specs, hate the look.

500+ miles, 14k pound towing, 2.9secs 0-60.

Production "late 2021. 2022 for tri-motor."
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Lmao I staid up for this? Is it April 1st or am I missing something??
