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Video - Test Results - Cobra Jet vs Jet Boat Pilot

The bottom line - those deflectors can generate lateral thrust to move the stern to a side.
Sure they can, but you can bet your system will produce even less lateral thrust and less reverse thrust than a stock system does. You have two thrust vectors cancelling each other out, thus negating all lateral influence and you have a third vector fighting your reverse vectors, thus making reverse less effective. Your graphics are nice, though.
Sure they can, but you can bet your system will produce even less lateral thrust and less reverse thrust than a stock system does. You have two thrust vectors cancelling each other out, thus negating all lateral influence and you have a third vector fighting your reverse vectors, thus making reverse less effective. Your graphics are nice, though.
That is correct, the deflectors/lateral openings/nozzles would take away from the strait reverse. There is no way around it as the jet water gets diverted to serve various functions.

However, that would be more than compensated for by the function of MEGAs - which channel the water-jet under the boat very efficiently - enhancing the "strait reverse" (enough that it actually works! - and that I know).
In what I would consider "a complete steering enhancement system" - one would want Cobra fins (down all the time), MEGAs, and lateral thrusters.

I think the system would work very well.
Also, some of the diverted water would actually contribute to what Yamaha calls Thrust Directional Enhancement (TDE) - wherein they deliberately let some of the water shoot back and at the same time get diverted down (and in reverse) - to create turbulence - and a "hydrodynamic anchor" of sorts. That would stabilize the stern a little more.

Anyway - needless to say "the proof of the pudding is in the eating".

To use Jamie and Adam's phrase, "PLAUSIBLE" !! lol

I like our system's simplicity. Time will tell if others agree.
In all my 15 plus years of making jet propelled watercraft steer I will say that 99 percent of the time people want all the forward steering they can get and for the 1 percent of the time they are backing their boat they want all the reverse steering they can get so they are comfortable with how it responds , anything else is a novelty and in the real world of boating necessity always takes precedence over novelty
In all my 15 plus years of making jet propelled watercraft steer I will say that 99 percent of the time people want all the forward steering they can get and for the 1 percent of the time they are backing their boat they want all the reverse steering they can get so they are comfortable with how it responds , anything else is a novelty and in the real world of boating necessity always takes precedence over novelty

Not true, at least in the case of my boat. There is no issue at all with the forward steering or maneuvering at speed. With no steering system installed at all it works great on plane. The only time there is an issue with the JBP TV's is coming off plane. At lower speeds is where myself and just about everyone I have talked to want to see improvements. I am not the only one and I am sure it is more than 1%. I receive several inquires every week regarding low speed handling because of the videos I made. I had no less that five people offer to buy my JBP system when I said I was going to stick with the Cobras. I said no because I am still not sure.

Docking, trailering, and maneuvering around marinas or other tight areas is critical for me. Out in the ocean I have the entire Atlantic to make a mistake. In close quarters I have a couple of feet. Personally, I am much more concerned with maneuvering the boat in close quarters than I am coming off plane out in the open. Every dent, ding, scratch, or other damage my boats have suffered from came from the docks or close quarters to other structures while fishing.

With the tests that I have done the Cobras and JBP TV's are comparable at low speeds going forward. In reverse the thrust from the JBP seemed slightly higher, but not so much better that I considered that the deciding factor. When it came to maneuvering the boat in reverse, the JBP TV's and LT's was hands down better. Just the other day I was pinned to the dock by the tide. I had the Cobras on and I could not get off the dock without a couple of people pushing me off. Under the same circumstances with the JBP LT's I was able to get off the dock with no problem using the LT's in reverse. I know you don't want to hear this and probably won't agree, but that is the reality of it.

As I pointed out in my videos, each system has its strengths and weaknesses. I prefer the Cobras always being in the water. However, I need the better reverse control the LT's offer. I will be doing more tests with both the Cobras and the JBP steering systems once I get a set of automatic trim tabs installed. (Lectrotabs) One thing I am certain about, the LT's are staying on the boat.
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You do seem to have a unique situation however to clarify things first I was referring to the 1 percent of the time people use reverse as opposed to forward and referencing all the people over the years that have provided me with feedback regarding my steering as well as those removing other steering and offering comparisons of the two , actually another one just did that today, in any event I always promote having people make the choice that works best for their individual situation, remember I am the one trying to encourage this . I also get a lot of inquires one of your friends just purchased steering from me.
In a few years after you get more behind the wheel experience you may just change your mind once moor or even twice who knows.
@Foobar , thank you for taking the time to video review both products and share it with the Jetboaters community.

Personally, I went with the Cobra Jet Steering Magnum AK with Mega Fangs from Jeff. Although I agree with almost everything with this video review, I will say that what Jeff saves on his website and by providing you direct customer support, you see in his pricing. The pricing was the most important factor in my choice to go with the Cobra Jet system over JBP. Although I have never used the JBP product so I am unable to comment on the performance of their products, I do greatly appreciate having a choice and believe competition creates excellence. Not far behind pricing, while making my choice, the second most important factor was having full rear thrust. Lets face it, rear thrust on our boats suck. It takes forever, and high RPMs to get the boat moving in reverse....period. Time and time again I have faced wind, wake, and surf forcing me off course and on a collision path with the dock, trailer, or shore while loading or launching my boat. I cannot say that Lateral Thrusters inhibit rear thrust but with a healthy assumption and knowing that Mega Fangs would not, I took the plunge. Just yesterday, I had a buddy out on the boat and he complimented the handling manners of mine in comparison to his 2015 242 Limited S. So much so, I just purchased him a set as a gift. Ultimately, I am sure both products are fantastic and fill the gap Yamaha left from manufacturing. However, I can speak first hand about Cobra Jet Steering and I have not regretted my purchase a single time. It has worked so well, I haven't any dock rash on the boat yet (fingers crossed/knocking on wood). Cobra Jet or JBP either way, if you are operating a stock Yamaha you owe it to yourself and your boat to enhance steering capability. You're in luck, both systems have been proven to do just that.