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What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

1883 (Paramount)
1923 (Paramount)
Yellowstone (Peacock and Paramount)
Picard (Paramount)
The Last of us (HBO Max)
Tulsa King (Paramount)

All are fantastic.
I'm watching clips of The View. Fun to watch them melt like the Wicked Witch of The West (Joy B.) Wizard Of Oz and Pizza The Hut (Caryn Johnson) from Space Balls.
Anyone else pumped for Mandalorian S3 tomorrow? Might be staying up to catch the premier tonight/morning but haven't fully decided yet...
Anyone else pumped for Mandalorian S3 tomorrow? Might be staying up to catch the premier tonight/morning but haven't fully decided yet...
Is it going to be more like season 1? My family was riveted to S1. S2 was not interesting to any of us. We canceled our subscription without finishing S2.
I agree - S2 and S2.5 (book of boba fett) were really setting up the stage for S3 as opposed to S1 building the story and characters. I really enjoyed S1 a lot more, but I enjoyed the other content as well. The trailer looks very promising - but then again trailers are really just marketing right?
Season 2 probably didn't hit with folks who didn't follow Clone Wars and Rebels.
Started watching the Murdaugh Murders on Netflix - really good murder story obviously, but the first episode about Paul driving the boat drunk and killing a friend was eye opening. Wife and I were just sitting watching one bad decision after another with a brutal and tragic outcome. Maybe it'll sober up some of the tipsy captains.
Just finished the 2 seasons of Your Honor on Paramount. We really enjoyed it.
I binged watched Ballers on Netflix and started the new season of Gold Rush on Discovery+.
Almost done with season 2 of The Wheel of Time on Amazon - I like it a lot.
Two shows that we have been watching are Leverage and Almost Paradise. Both series are on prime.
The Pacific on Netflix. Was really good.
My company supplied at the firearms for that series, happy people are still watching it!
"Unforgotten" is back on PBS - season 5. Brilliant British police series! Watched all 5 episodes in a weekend (ok, most of them in one evening, staying up until almost 2).
Last night Claire and I watch the movie MVP. It is about a recently retired NFL player develops a strong bond with a homeless veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. It may not be for everyone however we both found it moving and poignant Maybe because I could relate to how at times we treat our Service members.
Just caught up on Bearing Sea Gold on Discovery+. Waiting for the next episode of The Grand Tour to drop on Amazon Prime.
Sprung. Just watched the initial show, written by the guy who did My Name Is Earl, with a few characters from the show in this one.

Also, rewatching Chuck. The opening theme, I can't NOT do a little dance. It's an old show, but I'm glad we're going through it again, I liked it.