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What are you watching on TV? Favorite Shows? <name the service used>

The Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix is pretty good

It's excellent. And if you have Amazon Prime, I suggest Bosch Legacy. The two shows are on different streaming services but based on novels written by the same person (Michael Connelly). Spoiler alert in case you don't already know: Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller are half brothers. The whole original Bosch series and Bosch Legacy are great too, IMO. Titus Welliver does a great job with the character.
Just finished The Bear...high intensity but really good. on Hulu
Well, per some threads here I started watching "The Old Man" streaming Episode IV right now, pretty good.
Waiting for season 4 of Cobra Kai to come out in Sept on Netflix. Binge worthy!
Sprung on Amazon Prime. Comedy about 3 people release from prison due to COVID.

Filmed in Pittsburgh, PA, but all the cars have Maryland plates. I can see PA saying “Film here, but you have to make it look like somewhere else. We don’t want to look this stupid.”
I am so looking forward to The Last of Us on HBO next year. The new trailer looks great.
The Last of Us is probably THE Best video game i have ever played. Awsome story and should make an amazing show. I am sure HBO will do it proud!
Can't wait
Ring of Power
House of the Dragon
The Watcher on Netflix. So many twists and turns.
We enjoyed the 8 episode series “the green glove” It was light and funny.
We wanted to get into a longer series so we can binge watch. We watched "Better Call Saul" first and now we're on the last season of "Breaking Bad". 7 episodes left. Both have been great!
I am struggling to stay with Andor. I think 2 episodes in and it's just not doing much for me.
I find some of these streaming shows take many episodes to get into them. I don’t know if it is because you need to be a super fan, and if so, does that mean they get into it sooner or are just more willing to accept the “slow burn”. I had to watch at least four episodes of The Rings of Power until I cared.
I find some of these streaming shows take many episodes to get into them. I don’t know if it is because you need to be a super fan, and if so, does that mean they get into it sooner or are just more willing to accept the “slow burn”. I had to watch at least four episodes of The Rings of Power until I cared.

Andor seems to be this way. I am on episode 4 and it's gaining traction.
We wanted to get into a longer series so we can binge watch. We watched "Better Call Saul" first and now we're on the last season of "Breaking Bad". 7 episodes left. Both have been great!
If you want a long series, "The Walking Dead" is 13? seasons....and its got great character development. A couple of later seasons do go off track a little....but the first 8-10 are great.
Just watched Steve Trevino's comedy special on Amazon Prime. It appears to be old, but I hadn't seen it (or heard of the guy) until just recently. The best thing was watching it with my wife sitting next to me, and we kept giving each other the stink eye as the jokes hit home ?
Been hooked recently on Deadliest Catch The Viking Returns on Discovery+. Also a new season of Gold Rush is out too.
If you want a long series, "The Walking Dead" is 13? seasons....and its got great character development. A couple of later seasons do go off track a little....but the first 8-10 are great.
It is really good. Huge fans! We're on the last season, had to finish BB first. El Camino is next (just a 2 hour movie - not too bad).
I don't like to start watching any series with only 1 season, 2 or more is a prerequisite.