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cobra steering

  1. webberkyle

    Cobra Magnum or Ultimate Fins & JBP Lateral Thruster combo on twin engine

    First post here after reading a significant volume of great posts about Yamaha Boats and various mods to improve them, specifically an 2016 AR240. I have a floating dock at my house that runs perpendicular on the Hudson river that has a few other boats docking at it. At times we experience...
  2. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    New cobra super steering for all Magnum and Ultimate versions past and present

    Finally picked up my newest parts today in Tamps after being stuck in the worst traffic jam of my life trying to cross the Howard Franklin bridge . I guess two semi trucks crashed into each other and the North bound side was blocked from about 830 am to 12 noon I had the pleasure of being stuck...
  3. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    New Ultimate ak with mega fang plus on 24 foot Yamaha

    A look at the new Ultimate A K steering with the mega fang plus system " note like the magnum ak steering this is also cross compatible with the lateral thrusters with no modifications required In place of the mega fang plus upgrade if you choose that direction.
  4. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Cobra Jet Steering sale now members only and 4 tec systems are added

    Ended 10 31 2018
  5. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    just a reminder

    The COBRA ULTIMATE STEERING SYSTEM is spring loaded & adjustable to a number of influence levels and it is also selectable so you can decide if you want the fins to stay down all the time and just how far they stay in the water, or if you want them to go up at speed you can do that also...
  6. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Every cloud has a silver lining EVEN SNOW CLOUDS !!!

    SNOW DAY SALE has ended
  7. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Basic information about the various options from COBRA JET STEERING LLC

    Very important no nonsense information when deciding what aftermarket steering system to purchase. Cobra jet steering has a system to meet your needs. Yamaha has several newer style jet boats equipped with an articulating keel. We add indicators in the name to make you aware of their...
  8. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    alternate side force stabilizers for the Ultimate steering system on the late model nozzles

    This is the alternate bracket setup for Cobra Ultimate steering system on the late model nozzles. There are some for the 19 foot boats that have a keel. Those allow you to install the rudder attachment on the nozzle when you remove the rudder to access the side thrust unit during install. This...
  9. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    so who wants to be the test subject with a twin engine boat that has the thrust vector xv system

    I am looking for someone who wants to try out the mega fang system IF THEY ALREADY HAVE THE THRUST VECTOR X V SYSTEM ON THEIR BOAT so they can see how the mega fangs help their current system . Preferably a twin engine boat, now if you want to participate you must E mail me so you do not get...
  10. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    off power steering importance

    I am posting this video that I made 5 years ago in a 24 foot Yamaha It is important to state that this boat hull was prior to the keel and rudder style that Yamaha makes now and that the hull was even more difficult to handle in off power steering than the new boats with the keel, also this...
  11. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    F Y I I am selling out the remaining fangs forthe ultimate steering systems

    I have a few of the Ultimate type fangs in stock that I am liquidating, If you added only 2 fangs to your twin engine system and you would like to enhance the reverse control the reverse stopping power and the power steering effect above what you already receive from your 2 fang setup this...
  12. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    I now have the VIPER N K system in my posession

    I just picked up the first run of the VIPER N K system for the 19 foot non keel boats similar to the original Viper for the rudder type 19 foot boats with the exception of the fin shape and the mounting is slightly different. It has the planning surface, the fins and the fangs all built in . It...
  13. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Cobra Magnum A K steering with fangs mid summer special

    COBRA JET STEERING LLC MID SUMMER SPECIAL For a limited time we are making a special offer to those of you who purchased a Yamaha twin engine articulating keel 21 or 24 foot jet boat. Find out just how nimble your boat can be and how easy it can be to turn at speed or when docking in tight...
  14. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Cobra Jet Steering END of YEAR SALE !

    COBRA JET STEERING END OF YEAR SALE for members of JETBOATERS.NET This is not a group buy just a special for members of this web page as I promised. Ok so during the busy season people asked me if I was going to do a special on my Ultimate steering since I was offering a discount on the new...
  15. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    4 tec steering info

    Here is some info for people who are interested in improving their steering on the 4tec pumps and nozzles used by Sea Doo, Scarab, Glastron, and Chapaaral jet boats. This was just sent to me and in light of some of the discussions lately about the aftermarket steering available for these boats I...
  16. A

    2016 242 limited S E-Series: Vector XL vs. Cobra

    hello there. New to the group. Just picked up our new boat and have been researching fins. I saw a post from last year concerning this but it was as the new models were coming out and the fins being redesigned. Both seem to be great products. Looking for pro/cons for each concerning my boat...
  17. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Cobra Venom FANGS now available

    I now have the "FANGS" available for sale, they are not yet on my web page so you will need to email me directly. These are upgrades for the Ultimate and Magnum steering systems. If your side force stabilizers have the four holes this upgrade can be bolted on to your existing system. If you do...
  18. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Ultimates on the F S H

    A quick look at the Ultimate steering installed on the new 19 foot F S H
  19. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Preseason sale details for COBRA ULTIMATE STEERING SYSTEMS

    All good things must come to an end. This sale ended on March 7 2015 .Keep watching for our next addon upgrade for the ULTIMATE and MAGNUM steering systems. For those of you who are not completely familiar with the ULTIMATE STEERING SYSTEM Here is a basic description of the benefits . This...