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Does anyone know of a TR-1 engine failure?

Have you ever heard of a TR-1 engine failure?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Was this failure in a Yamaha boat?

  • Was this failure in a Yamaha jet ski / wave runner?

  • Don’t know

  • Owner caused the failure? Lack of maint, improper maint, overheating

  • Engine failed on its own?

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Nope, only reason I found it was changing the oil at the end of the season.
It’s good you found it now so you can affect repair before next season rolls around.
Spark plugs getting stuck and breaking is what I have read many times. Happened to me, someone I knew and I have seen several people post about it.
Apon tear down. The shop fixing mine found that the piston had smacked it.
Yamaha replacement the whole engine .
Spark plugs getting stuck and breaking is what I have read many times. Happened to me, someone I knew and I have seen several people post about it.
Apon tear down. The shop fixing mine found that the piston had smacked it.
Yamaha replacement the whole engine .
Thanks for posting but that sounds like an assembly error or totally wrong plug. I bet it was plug number 1? Thats what I had read about. It’s still a failure though. At least Yamaha stood behind their product and made it right I suppose think @lazergeek had one plug in one engine that was stuck but he had to foot the bill for the repair.
Thanks for posting but that sounds like an assembly error or totally wrong plug. I bet it was plug number 1? Thats what I had read about. It’s still a failure though. At least Yamaha stood behind their product and made it right I suppose think @lazergeek had one plug in one engine that was stuck but he had to foot the bill for the repair.
Yup, plug number 1 and on the Starboard side engine has the other owner I know that had the same issue.
Yup, plug number 1 and on the Starboard side engine has the other owner I know that had the same issue.
Pretty sure that is same on all the ones tat had that problem