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Downrigger install

Agreed that the rod holders are not as strong as the down rigger wire or force that could be put on the rod holder.

It seemed to me like the terminator is made to fail and release the ball? I carry extra terminators and one extra 8# ball.

Is the lake trout fishing at Flaming gorge pretty good?
Agree. I grew up in Utah where we made a trip to Flaming Gorge several times a year. I lived in Southwest Colorado for a number of years and we tried to make it at least once a year. I now live in Porter, TX (Just north of Houston) We are planning a trip to the Gorge in July. Couple the Lake Trout fishing with the Kokanee fishing and it doesn't get much better.
Agree. I grew up in Utah where we made a trip to Flaming Gorge several times a year. I lived in Southwest Colorado for a number of years and we tried to make it at least once a year. I now live in Porter, TX (Just north of Houston) We are planning a trip to the Gorge in July. Couple the Lake Trout fishing with the Kokanee fishing and it doesn't get much better.

Right on… we were thinking of trying FG in addition to a LP trip in the future, its half the distance for us to travel to, one day on the road as opposed to two.
Right on… we were thinking of trying FG in addition to a LP trip in the future, its half the distance for us to travel to, one day on the road as opposed to two.
We have a trip planned in July for a week at FG and a Housboat Rental for 7 days the end of August. When my boat is delivered I plan to try my hand at this different fishing in the lakes and the Gulf.