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Jet Boat Pilot Kako Cutter

FSH 210 Sport

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Pretty slick tool for removing debris from the jet pump

Cool tool but not at the price they want for it.
If the boat is out of the water I don't think you need this type of tool - I was able to cut rope off of the impeller shaft with a utility knife with a hook blade in about 90 seconds which is a cheaper option.

If the boat is in the water, you would need to access the water intake area which means going under water, correct? If yes, it would make this difficult in brackish water where visibility is low - like many lakes in Wisconsin. I'm not a huge fan of going under the boat and putting my hand through the intake grate while it's in the water - I'm a scaredy cat........
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I think the big advantage to this tool is that it’s pretty long and you can definitely reach down through the cleanout tube to be able to use it. I don’t know why they filmed it the way they did. Maybe it was just to make it easier to see as opposed to trying to film it, looking down to the clean out tube.

I think it’s been three times now where I got a whole bunch of fishing line wrapped around the shaft of one of the jet pumps. I spent probably 45 minutes or so trying to get all that line off from above because the blade I had was so short that meant that my hand was way down in there in a very cramped spot and my hand got torn up While I was doing it.

Here’s the way I look at a tool like this, it’s the same reason why I’ve always bought four-wheel-drive vehicles, because I do things and go places where I might need that, and the first time that you get stuck and you reach up there and turn the knob or pull the handle or whatever to engage four-wheel-drive and you drive away it was worth every penny that you spent on it.

Yeah, they’re really proud of that tool not sure if I’m going to order one up today to put in my tool bag, but I still think it’s a pretty awesome tool.