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Long term effects of aftermarket fins

Does the added stress of aftermarket fins damage the boat over time?

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Yep, it is a knee.

Since you brought his up, I was looking at some 2006 210s with Cobras. I see two things:
  1. there is a lot going under the swim platform, besides Cobras.
  2. those fins hang really low.
I know, stranger things have happened! But it is not obvious to me the fins would cause this kind of wound to your friends knee - hopping onto the swim platform.




I'll try my best to paint the picture.

- I was in the captains chair
- He was holding the stern while passengers loaded from the mountain island we just explored.
- All passengers loaded
- BEFORE he pushed off, the depth was about mid thigh.
- He was standing on an underwater ledge if you will, that went from about mid thigh to 20ft deep.
- He tried to "push off" really good from that ledge, probably at bit too much, so his hands were on the swim platform, pushing, feet still on ledge creating increasing 45 degree angle as the boat moved forward.
- When he finally decided to have his feet join the rest of his moving away body, he was not strong enough to make it on the swim platform in 1 swift motion, so his body sank down quite a bit, hands still on the platform.
- once his legs were under his body, his hands on the platform, elbows up to his ears, mid section all in the water, he attempted to "press" him self up.
- When he tried to press himself up, he tried kicking to give himself some thrust upwards and that was when he hit his knee. His lower chest was ladder height, not his knee.
well no permission from me, but this is the original thread and others agree that it would have been pretty tough to do what was done the way it was described, up to now I never publically said it I just corresponded with him privately but here is the original thread HE posted publicly https://jetboaters.net/threads/cobra-fins-becareful.7129/
And we now have a third version of the occurrence.
And we now have a third version of the occurrence.
Lord, give it up Jeff. Yep you got me. I made up the whole damn thing and now I can't keep my story straight.

It's been my plan from the getgo to tell everyone what a horrible product you have and and try to bury Cobra Steering once and for all.

The fins, that I love having on my boat and work great, have sharp edges. My buddy in a crazy one in a lifetime accidents managed to split his knee on it pretty good. God forbid I try to use the forum to praise your product all the while try to prevent another hospital trip for a fellow boater.

Stick to making fins because you have some serious issues otherwise.
So somehow I missed the original point of your post, Jeff is a meanie who sent you private messages to keep from possibly embarrassing you on the forum and you told several versions of your story that others also questioned, but I kept my suspicions between us and now people know to never send you anything in private because you can't be trusted by the way it is not about my fins it's about FACTS just the facts. I will tell you that I know of someone who on his first day with the old style fins mounted on his boat, was swimming holding on to his swim platform and he wacked his knee so hard that he cut it and ended up in the hospital getting stitches, I never questioned how he did it his story made perfect sense . It's just about facts , the entire story was posted WHY? the private conversations were posted WHY? Because you want to accomplish WHAT? I will say it again if you want someone t0o play P R "B S " you have the wrong person if you want to try to help other boaters by posting positive helpful posts great. But getoverit I do not believe you, I really want to but with each version of the S T O R Y it just makes it less credible in my eyes , on a positive note Thank you for liking my steering I know it has helped you enjoy your boat over the years. And I hope you have added my EZ locks to your cleanout plugs also.
So somehow I missed the original point of your post, Jeff is a meanie who sent you private messages to keep from possibly embarrassing you on the forum and you told several versions of your story that others also questioned, but I kept my suspicions between us and now people know to never send you anything in private because you can't be trusted by the way it is not about my fins it's about FACTS just the facts. I will tell you that I know of someone who on his first day with the old style fins mounted on his boat, was swimming holding on to his swim platform and he wacked his knee so hard that he cut it and ended up in the hospital getting stitches, I never questioned how he did it his story made perfect sense . It's just about facts , the entire story was posted WHY? the private conversations were posted WHY? Because you want to accomplish WHAT? I will say it again if you want someone t0o play P R "B S " you have the wrong person if you want to try to help other boaters by posting positive helpful posts great. But getoverit I do not believe you, I really want to but with each version of the S T O R Y it just makes it less credible in my eyes , on a positive note Thank you for liking my steering I know it has helped you enjoy your boat over the years. And I hope you have added my EZ locks to your cleanout plugs also.

Haha, you're comical... and no I don't have the cobra locks and actually had been telling myself I need to do it but with your childish antics, I'll be fine without them.

Get in some anger management classes Jeff, they'll help.
@Cobra Jet Steering LLC, @Trevor Shipman (alphabetical order) I believe we all agree that the combination of sharp objects at the stern and kicking or other fast movements can cause injury. I have never seen such an injury from fins but have seen injury from props or even the end of the ladder.

I would appreciate it if we could accept this and move on to more pleasant boating topics.
So... @swatski what is the thing hanging down to the right of the scupper on both of those boats above?
So... @swatski what is the thing hanging down to the right of the scupper on both of those boats above?

That is the "pitot" style speed sensor. It is a plastic tube.
@Cobra Jet Steering LLC, @Trevor Shipman (alphabetical order) I believe we all agree that the combination of sharp objects at the stern and kicking or other fast movements can cause injury. I have never seen such an injury from fins but have seen injury from props or even the end of the ladder.

I would appreciate it if we could accept this and move on to more pleasant boating topics.

Agreed. My rant is complete. Happy boating everyone.
I'm disappointed I guess I will never know what the point of this foolish post was in the first place, OH I'm so mad I could show people all my PM"S or is that pms not sure. 0oh well.
Just sayin...

I would still buy the cobra locks!
Us old guys watched the old spaghetti westerns and there was always the fool who got shot in the street fight and did not have the sense to just lay there and play dead so BANG!
How interesting amazingly I just discovered that on my NEW web page the twin set is now listed for only $39.99 for a twin engine set with free shipping in the U S A so there you go buy them before my web guy changes them back to $49.95 as they should be . Hmmm That may take years , it only took 3 years to get it on line in the first place.
@Cobra Jet Steering LLC, Jeff on that note I have a great web designer for you if you need one. During his day job he is a professor teaching new web designers and graphic artists. He has been bulidning websites since 1995 and has experience with a pretty large online storefronts. http://designsetgo.com/
Thank you Bruce Who knows what the future will bring, As you probably know My son in law is the one who was building my web page , he was very ill and needed a kidney transplant and he still needs a pancreas transplant.
He recently had the kidney done and it went well. He is actually the dad of my granddaughter who sold the record amount of girl scout cookies I posted about on https://jetboaters.net/threads/its-cookie-time-again.12473/ so now he is feeling good after eating all those cookies YES I AM KIDDING.
Recently he worked hard on this new site so I would stop bothering him well actually I had my daughter do that every waking minute of the day.
I have a few glitches that need addressing like the sales tax popping up before the address is entered and then going away once the state is entered. But all in all I hope it makes things more fluid for the people trying to order parts.
I appreciate that several people from this web page made some very generous offers to save me on this web site issue but it was a family thing and I stayed the course . So thank you and thanks to the others who offered their help, however if you know someone with a spare pancreas lying around not being used please let me know.