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Long term effects of aftermarket fins

Does the added stress of aftermarket fins damage the boat over time?

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We all like a good spirited discussion now and then! @ajvigants looks like you are getting a good and varied amount of info to help you understand and make an informed decision. Having been an active admin and moderator on this forum and the old one since 2003, I can tell you that this discussion has come up fairly frequently. It is a valid concern and something worth asking about. @Cobra Jet Steering LLC gets frustrated at times during these discussions likely because there is no data that can be produced one way or another to say they don't add stress. But I can tell you without at doubt that I've not read ANY posts of someone claiming damage from the use of fins (with the exception of 1-2 posts about the dual engine models with rudders....and that is likely more of an issue with the rudder stress not the nozzle movement). That said, I can't produce objective evidence to prove this point, and no one can produce evidence to disprove my statements.

When you look at polls like these (that have statistically meaningful quantities of replies from forum members-meaning it doesn't represent the whole jet boat owner population-just those who are geeks):

These show that ~65% of members here have fins on their boats, then you'd expect to hear pretty quickly if they were causing failures. Even if they didn't attribute the failures to the fins, we'd have posts about where to buy replacement nozzles etc, and we don't.

So I think it is safe to say these fins (either brand) won't cause you wear or stress issues. Now you just need to decide if you want them or not... :winkingthumbsup"[flag]

I had them on my 2005 as I felt they gave me MUCH better steering control, and more importantly, gave my wife and "guest" drivers more control...which was important to me as I like to ski and board....and watching your boat come at you serpentine is a somewhat uneasy feeling when you are in the water in front of it! :eek:
Jeff: your post about nozzle wear was useful. Thank you.

Thanks also to the other forum members who added their experiences - so far all positive and no horror stories.

I drove an AR190 a few years ago (old design, no articulating keel) and although its low speed handling was certainly not great, I did find it manageable. I recall that it was a pretty windy day (lots of chop) and it did take two tries to land it on the trailer - a gust caught me at the last moment and I had to back out and try again. But getting it on my 2nd try on my 1st outing felt like a victory and told me that with just a little familiarity it would be no problem. I ended up buying a used wakeboarding boat instead (FSH was not available then) and had planned on becoming a 2 boat family - inboard boat for the wife and a modest outboard fishing boat for me. But the FSH seems like it was designed just for our needs and I am looking forward to trying it with the articulating keel. I suspect it will be just fine in terms of maneuverability but what could have me still adding fins is if it will not track a straight line at trolling speeds (when I let go of the steering wheel for a second to do something else). I will install a trolling motor first and see if that combined with the stock drive system is all I need.
I would doubt that it introduce much extra wear. At low speed the fins are helping to direct the boat. At higher speeds you have much higher thrust and the nozzle thrust is doing all the work. The fins are hardly in the water. Cam.
Nah, Jeff made it pretty clear that I am banned for life from CJS. Shunned. Cast out. Not worthy. @Ramblin Wreck - Love the video clip though - you nailed that.

Anyway, I'll be busy paddling my canoe around the lake examining windshields for signs of wiper blade induced wear (but just when I have day off from my new job at Takata - it is down the street from where all of the clearly incompetent Yamaha engineers work).

If I decide that I do want fins, my money will just have to go to JBP.
Nah, Jeff made it pretty clear that I am banned for life from CJS. Shunned. Cast out. Not worthy. @Ramblin Wreck - Love the video clip though - you nailed that.

Anyway, I'll be busy paddling my canoe around the lake examining windshields for signs of wiper blade induced wear (but just when I have day off from my new job at Takata - it is down the street from where all of the clearly incompetent Yamaha engineers work).

If I decide that I do want fins, my money will just have to go to JBP.

You were doing so good and I thought you were extending the olive branch. Now you're stirring the pot a little . I think you both are over analyzing each others comments and I bet if you were face to face the conversation would have went another direction. I think you have a fair question and I also think Jeff has a fine product from what I've read as I'm imagine JBP does as well. Enjoy the water boys whether your steering is tight and refined or loose and playful.
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When you look at polls like these (that have statistically meaningful quantities of replies from forum members-meaning it doesn't represent the whole jet boat owner population-just those who are geeks): [/QUOTE said:
Speaking of geeks...since surveys is sorta what I do for a living, statistically meaningful, significance, etc. is thrown around in a lot of different ways. Significance essentially is a low probability of there being a random reason in this case for impact on steering components. Are there a number of reasons that could cause it and we are just testing for one....using a steering enhancer. You could have a 1,000 resopnses
Nah, Jeff made it pretty clear that I am banned for life from CJS. Shunned. Cast out. Not worthy. @Ramblin Wreck - Love the video clip though - you nailed that.

Anyway, I'll be busy paddling my canoe around the lake examining windshields for signs of wiper blade induced wear (but just when I have day off from my new job at Takata - it is down the street from where all of the clearly incompetent Yamaha engineers work).

If I decide that I do want fins, my money will just have to go to JBP.

You might be hurting yourself. I don't have fins, but if I did I would go with Cobra because I think they are a better product. Let stuff go on the internet.
5 years with fins (500 hrs)
Across 2 boats
Always down
No problem

1st mod
I never understood the fascination with fins. I just manned up and learned to drive the boat the way nature intended. But then I don't have training wheels on my bicycle either. I guess I'm crazy that way.
Takata...... funny
Love that company.... giving me a lot of extra work........and more cash in my bank account
I've had both the original Cobra fins and the Thrust Vectors. I've noticed serious damage to my self preservation instinct as I drive the boat like a mad man and steer like there is no tomorrow!
I do the same as Scuba ref, but I don't need the fins. Try the boat without. You may find they add nothing, as I did. Mine second came with fins attached (my ls didn't need them, of course, it was a 19 footer!)and after a day on the water (and one getting ripped off and lost) I took the rest off. No difference at all. None.
Whole bunch of reasons that fins are my first mod on 2 Yammies

Ability to steer, while Depowering from plane.

Can you imagine not being able to steer your car, when hitting the brakes?

I took my '16 242X (w/ rudder) out day one and simulated an emergency de-power, with change of heading, and found it insufficient.

Ordered (my second) Full Cobra set-up, that night.

Easiest dollars I've ever spent for my water borne family-
(To say nothing of docking, guest drivers, reverse control,....)
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Off topic but that pic of the FSH reminded me to ask you guys something. What is the hose that comes down and connects to the top of the jet pump housing? Is it for the live well or something?
Off topic but that pic of the FSH reminded me to ask you guys something. What is the hose that comes down and connects to the top of the jet pump housing? Is it for the live well or something?

Raw water wash down.
I never understood the fascination with fins. I just manned up and learned to drive the boat the way nature intended. But then I don't have training wheels on my bicycle either. I guess I'm crazy that way.

As I said earlier, I installed them on my last boat for my wife and guest drivers....and many of my guest drivers were used to I/O or OB - so I'd rather make it as easy as possible for them...especially when I'm the one in the water getting picked up by them after skiing etc
Thanks for chiming in, Dennis. Another positive experience. I see in your signature that you have Cobra fins - do you keep them deployed at speed or just when going slow?
Mine are closer to the original design that are non adjustable. So they're fixed in the down position.
Had to weigh in here.....after recently purchasing our new AR190 and reading some of the posts, and creating another thread about the performance of the TVs vs CJ's I wasn't debating long about going with the new Viper setup. As itsdgm mentioned, it allows others the ability to run the boat at any speed. I was concerned about that myself, and wanted to be able to spend time in the water and want others to be able to drive it in case I have a little too much fun at the sand bar. As far as long term stresses are concerned, I can't say I'm that concerned. I'm not going to be buried in this boat. I'm not going to have it 30 years. Likely not even 5. As far as Jeff is concerned, I don't think he needs me to vouch for him. However, I will say he answered every single question I had promptly. I sent him pictures of the install and we exchanged messages afterwards. I have zero questions about how much more the Viper helps the handling of the boat. I don't want to spend all of my time driving it. I'd like to spend a lot of time behind it as well.
Haha, this thread brings back memories. I have the old style fins on my 06 AR210 and a buddy of mine was about mid waist deep pushing the boat off and somehow hit his shin on the edge of the fin which caused it to split open requiring stitches. I posted on here about the incident just letting people know to becareful, and making it very clear that I didn't hold @Cobra Jet Steering LLC responsible at all. I wouldn't have my boat without them and think it's a great product. With that said Jeff was extreamly defensive about my post, kind of turned me off a little. Just the tone of the emails were, eeeeh. I get it though, those fins are his babies so naturally he's protective.

With all that said, I wouldn't think twice about adding his fins to my boat, future boat, or your boat.