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Long term effects of aftermarket fins

Does the added stress of aftermarket fins damage the boat over time?

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This appears to be a classic case of overthinking. It doesn't take an engineering degree to know that potential long term damage to the nozzle is pretty much completely mitigated by the fact that those parts are replaceable and not that costly. I'd be more worried about getting your anchor locker drain checked than worrying about a extra nozzle stress and it's effects 10 years from now.
I thought that wasn't an issue of the 19 footers?

I think it's in the FSH boats as well. Although I don't know if there is something different about their setup that makes them different from the other 19' boats.
I thought that wasn't an issue of the 19 footers?

The SX and AR don't have the issue beause the anchor locker is down low under the bow seat as opposed to up high and in the tip of the bow.

The FSH has a different anchor locker than the other 19' boats because the deck is different design. The FSH has an anchor locker similar to all the other 21 and 24 foot boats which uses a tube and eyelet to drain out through the hull. It is those types that have the issue.
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Thanks haknslash. I'm still trying to get a good depth finder solution. I don't want to have to worry about water on board for crying out loud. I saw in an earlier post you said....on water, bilge ON. Does it function like a sump then? As in only if there was water at a certain level to activate a switch? Or does it just constantly run?
Well this is all interesting , I believe we have come to the conclusion that the wear is a non issue however I am the type of person who can not help but look at problems real or imagined and suggest solutions, often perception is reality, If you are a routine maintenance type I have posted many times about the usefulness of spray on white lithium grease, I use it for many things boat related, like corrosion inhibitor since I boat in salt water only and often. I also recommend spraying the top and bottom bolts of the steering nozzles with some of this , just use the long red spray tube and get it right in the opening where the nozzles turn. And while you are at it coat your pumps with it for corrosion protection as well.
Thanks haknslash. I'm still trying to get a good depth finder solution. I don't want to have to worry about water on board for crying out loud. I saw in an earlier post you said....on water, bilge ON. Does it function like a sump then? As in only if there was water at a certain level to activate a switch? Or does it just constantly run?

The way the stock bilge pump works is it cycles every couple of minutes (I can't recall the exact interval) to check for water. It is not float switch operated which is why a lot of people like to install a secondary bilge pump with it's own float switch so that it can detect water and begin working as soon as the switch it tripped.
And this is the exact type of tone I referred to when speaking with @Cobra Jet Steering LLC He just sent me this:
Sorry Jeff, going to call you out. I've tried to be as professional as possible but you sir lack professionalism. He states I "changed" my story as to how the accident happened. I never changed my story, he pushed from a ledge, didn't fall off. I stated it was a great product and letting fellow boaters know to becareful. Below is the exact email chain. Notice the tone difference and concern between his email and mine. Your response today Jeff doesn't surprise me. You might want to consider hiring someone to handle the front end items while you work on the back of the house items because you do not have the gift of gab. And go ahead and save your email response about me not being able to purchase from you in the future because you won't see that order from me regardless.

Email chain:


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Haha, this thread brings back memories. I have the old style fins on my 06 AR210 and a buddy of mine was about mid waist deep pushing the boat off and somehow hit his shin on the edge of the fin which caused it to split open requiring stitches. I posted on here about the incident just letting people know to becareful, and making it very clear that I didn't hold @Cobra Jet Steering LLC responsible at all. I wouldn't have my boat without them and think it's a great product. With that said Jeff was extreamly defensive about my post, kind of turned me off a little. Just the tone of the emails were, eeeeh. I get it though, those fins are his babies so naturally he's protective.

With all that said, I wouldn't think twice about adding his fins to my boat, future boat, or your boat.
So - was it his knee or his shin?

EDIT: @Cobra Jet Steering LLC Jeff - I think you need to add an orange and black warning sticker to you fins. I can only imagine the damage if you hit those with your rectum or vagina. :D

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This is an interesting turn. Regardless of what happened, there is no denying that a fin has the ability to cause bodily harm so be careful is an appropriate message. I know these boats don't have props but that doesn't take away all potential for injury even if your boat is finless.
Warning boating is dangerous ,, drinking in the boat makes it less dangerous and being totally drunk is the best way to boat.. Sorry I do not drink so I can say it.
Also Warning another way to spell P R is B S We never do that if you know where I come from you know where I am. Warning never ask Jeff something you don't want the real answer for as the answer may hurt your feelings.
That leads me back to the original poster I do not want your money I would not try to put lipstick on a pig or sell you a one trick pony just to get your money, The almighty dollar. Never did and never will. I even made a new steering that is less money than the one people are purchasing like hot cakes on the 19 foot keel boats Just because I think it will serve a purpose and improve the boat for those that feel they need the planning effect and the power steering so I in effect am competing with my self on the same market share. Honestly I started doing this to solve MY issue with MY jet boat way back in 2001, I was so impressed with the results that I took it to the patent office and the world It was said that it's my baby and that is it in a nut shell, at 65 I do things with my steering that would probably kill someone else But it's my baby and I love what it does, I don't drink ,smoke or ever ever do drugs legal or otherwise. I get my kicks on the water 3 or more days a week all year long. If ever someone lived his business I do. I hate to say this but once a COP always a COP and calling it like I see it is what I will do and have done all my life I am not going to change so if you want straight answers fine if you want B S oh "PR" sorry go somewhere else.
If you have contributed to the people on this site I applaud you if not sit down and shut up it's the way you learn and no WA WA WA Jeff is so mean put your big boy panties on and grow up. It's a rough world out there. Now let he who has not pissed someone off in their life cast the first frowney face.
I've tried to be as professional as possible
Dude, you just posted a string of private communications from another member in a public forum...

That's pretty insane.
Unless, of course, you asked for permission.

Dude, you just posted a string of private communications from another member in a public forum...

That's pretty insane.
Unless, of course, you asked for permission.

I absolutely did.
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Dude, you just posted a string of private communications from another member in a public forum...

That's pretty insane.
Unless, of course, you asked for permission.

Agreed....that is really bad form.

Let's try and keep this civil.
Agreed....that is really bad form.

Let's try and keep this civil.
I fail to understand how that is called bad form when I'm being accused of being a lair behind closed doors. I don't know how much more I could have been civil, buddy got hurt, posted about being careful to fellow boaters on this site all the while saying this was of no fault of Jeff and his product. In fact I went out of my way to state that I think it's a great product and I still do. I'm sure we all have pushed off from the stern, which is why I posted it.

I won't be called a lair behind closed doors and not defend myself.
I fail to understand how that is called bad form when I'm being accused of being a lair behind closed doors. I don't know how much more I could have been civil, buddy got hurt, posted about being careful to fellow boaters on this site all the while saying this was of no fault of Jeff and his product. In fact I went out of my way to state that I think it's a great product and I still do. I'm sure we all have pushed off from the stern, which is why I posted it.

I won't be called a lair behind closed doors and not defend myself.
You could have simply stated you are reposting private communication from another forum member with permission.

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It was the side of his knee
View attachment 55632
Yep, it is a knee.

Since you brought this up, I was looking at some 2006 210s with Cobras. I see two things:
  1. there is a lot going on under the swim platform, besides Cobras.
  2. those fins hang really low.
I know, stranger things have happened! But it is not obvious to me the fins would cause this kind of wound to your friends knee - hopping onto the swim platform.




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