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  • Please read the Classified Ads Posting Rules before Posting something for Sale!

    Boats MUST LIST A LOCATION (State)IN THE TITLE (Seems people can't read lately)-along with Make/Model/Year

Boat NEW PRICE $59,900 2024 Yamaha 222 FSH Sport E (Cartersville, GA)

This is a tough time to sell any kind of watercraft. Market isn't really strong and there is still new leftovers at the dealers. Wait till spring in my opinion
totally agree, come on warm weather
Yeah I have it posted everywhere on FB market place. I can hold but I'm expecting my 2025 252 FSH in March of 2025 lol.
I tried for 8 weeks to sell our 21 195S earlier this year on FB Market Place. I put an ad in Boat Trader and had a cash deal completed in 5 days.
I tried for 8 weeks to sell our 21 195S earlier this year on FB Market Place. I put an ad in Boat Trader and had a cash deal completed in 5 days.
Yeah I think FB market place is dead these days. I got my boat listed in Boat Trader, Boat Mart, Boat Crazy, so we'll see how it goes. I just need it gone before I take delivery of the 2025 252 FSH.
You should change the topic price if you can. Or just eliminate the price on it
@Georgia4Low Price changed in title to $59,900 on 01/24/25.

Can you see the 3 dots circled in red? Edit thread is in there.

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