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One picture of your last outing.

Went out today. Pop up thunderstorm hit as we were putting the boat in the water. Lightning struck just a few yards from where we were and everyone at the dock felt the increased static electricity before it hit. It was wild, and very scary.

Blue dot is us, red dot is lightning. Screenshot_20240901_155604_My Lightning Tracker Pro.jpg
So what did you do afterwards? Go boating or go home?
So what did you do afterwards? Go boating or go home?
It never stopped raining and the radar had a couple more cells making its way to us so we loaded back up and went home. sad day.
Bummer but I think it was a good decision.
Kids - No way you can flip us off the tube today Dad
Me - Challenge accepted and Mission complete. Tossed them like a side salad. :)


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Big Cedar Lake in West Bend WI on Saturday. It’s the first time in two seasons that I’ve trailered the boat off of the Winnebago chain but the lake is pretty close to my condo, water clarity is great, and has a pretty festive sandbar area. Really nice day - mostly sunny and low 80’s.



More Lake Roosevelt fun. Bears, caves, and glassy water. IMG_1500.jpegIMG_1516.pngIMG_1494.jpegIMG_1474.png
Finally got time to get out without having to deal with insane wind, and the water was perfect. Not another boat in sight.

After searching multiple times since 2015..... I finally spotted one! I've seen pictures other people have taken, but I've never seen one in person until today! We were about 40ft from it. It slid off the bank into the water and just stayed like that watching us. Looked to be 7-8ft. Not huge, but bigger than my wife wanted to see. They've been in North AL for years, but now that she has seen one in person herself, she says we have to sell the boat. So I guess we'll revisit that conversation and see how she feels about it in a day or two.