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One picture of your last outing.

Nine kids age 3 to 15 on two tubes.
Great fun Saturday.
Dropped off boat for winterization today.
Always a sad day for us, however really like the anticipation of spring 2016.
Our cabin the last 4 days. How this lake isn't more populated is mind boggling. 3-400' deep. 28? miles long. Water is like glass throughout. And the great smoky mountains surrounding every inch of it. By far the best lake I've ever been on.

Fontana Lake. And I can't even come up with a good adjective for how I feel about it. Just wish it was closer, I'd own one of these cabins @Kevin M

@veedubtek, looks great. Maybe next year we can do some kind of event there like a Bimini trip? Everyone rents a lake house, we can boat all day and have a moving party in the evenings.
That'd be great, if there were more cabins available @njmr2fan ! I mean, there is probably 200 of them counting all areas of the lake and down the river, but during all my searching after we went last year, this is the only one I could find available. However! There is Fontana Village with plenty of lodging options. That's where we stayed last year. And, it's minutes from the Tail of the Dragon, for any car guys that might be interested in tearing up their tow vehicles, lol.
Going ropeless with my two kids. (Not on a jet boat, though)

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20150907_100006.jpg Lake Michigan when we first got out there.
Later there were 100's!
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Was on the sandbar with the owners of Performance East this weekend. They had this 190 FSH out there as well as a 2015 AR 240. They do have one 242x e series on order if anyone in NC is interested. 20150907_145225.jpg
On the Monongahela river between the Maxwell and Grays Landing dams, it was pure mayhem out there.

image.jpg The kids are back in school... Playtime!
Makes it all worth it! A very proud and happy dad.09-07-2015 - 79835.jpg


  • 09-07-2015 - 79835.jpg
    09-07-2015 - 79835.jpg
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Sorry for the selfie, but in the background is Lake of the Ozarks. It rained mid day on Labor Day and everyone went home. Water was like glass, almost like we had the whole lake to ourselves late afternoon!
Makes it all worth it! A very proud and happy dad.View attachment 28807
Great job!

How old is he? My 7 year old has gotten up but only managed to ride 30-40 yards. My 10 year old also started this summer and hes already working on jumping.
