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Any loss is tough but when it's a loss to Buffalo it hurts a little more!
It's right up there with loosing to a hockey team from Florida... ;) :p
I couldn't agree more! I'm a transplant and grew up in Pittsburgh.

Go Pens!
These are amazing forklifts and I have never seen one get stuck. Until today when this one dropped through the frost. It took several hours to get it out.V__F561.JPG
Are helmets required for skiing now or is it y'alls choice? It's been over ten years since I snow skied last in Colorado.
@PEARCE They aren't required but you'll be hard pressed to find anyone without one these days. I banged my head pretty hard a few years back and have worn one since. Really no downside as they are comfortable and keep your head warm and relatively safe.
My family and I snowboarding at Kirkwood Resort on New Year's Day. We took the ski bus for the second time, this time it didn't get lost, different story. Helmets for all. They keep our ears warm and some have pockets for speakers. They also make good Goggle and gopro holders/mounts. I wore a bike helmet snowboarding a few years ago, fell backward on a kiddie ramp and cracked it all up. Now I won't get on the lift without a helmet.
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Kirkwood is my favorite place to snowboard in the Tahoe area. We were there a couple years ago and it snowed over 2 feet in like a day!
Getting ready for work this morning and went to grab a watch. I just got an Apple Watch (got a deal I couldn't refuse and which was about to expire so I bought it though my gut was telling me not to). Out of 11 watches this is the most advanced and expensive watch I own (no rolexes here) but I'm not sold on it yet. It needs to be charged every day or two and had died on me mid day twice since I've owned it over the past week. It feels a lot like my smart car which I charge twice daily. So the two things that I got recently that are supposed to be better/more convenient, efficient, etc. are turning out not to be, at least so far.


@tim2808, do you remember this? I am sure that Tasha does. This could be you again this summer!
image.jpg They are scrambling to get the first floor done before the blizzard hits tomorrow. We are supposed to get 1-2 feet in Baltimore!
@RobA, will they cover the first floor after framing it?

I guess the basement below will prevent snow building up on them but I do not like the idea of snow building up on the bottom edges of those wooden I beam joists.

Or if they get the sub flooring down it will cover and protect them.
The PM said they will get the framing on the first floor done and wrapped with windows installed, and leave the subfloor for the second floor as is. This will cover the first floor and they can broom off the snow that piled up when they resume on Monday. I'm not a construction engineer but that sounded reasonable to me?

Not sure on what brand the subfloor is. They should have the first floor done today. I will go check...
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@RobA, hopefully it looks something like this before the snow hits.

Do you know what kind of sub flooring they are using? AdvanTech has a guarantee against damage due to exposure to moisture. Hopefully that is what they are using.

They have been building houses in the rain and snow for decades with minimal issues. With that said...... I would go buy them a big ass tarp to cover the deck with. $50 will save your floor from moisture and increase their productivity come Monday morning.