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Show us what you see!!!

Hey @Bruce how'd that Piehole whiskey treat ya? I saw the Pecan Pie variety on the shelf the other day but I decided that at $17 it was a little too top shelf for my taste... I opted for the Fireball instead.

I really enjoyed the Piehole. It was great for jokes as well. But I had difficulty pulling the ladies away from the champagne.
Finally stopped raining here so I could go outside and play with my Syma X8C sub $100 Xmas drone. I grabbed the below image from video and I'm quite pleased with how good the video is for under $100. The only problem I've found at this point is the camera mount won't allow the camera to be tilted at all.....so I'll have to do some mods there! LOL But again....for $85 it is fun.

Sorry about the ad in the image....guess I need to pay for a full verison of the viewer app!
Finally stopped raining here so I could go outside and play with my Syma X8C sub $100 Xmas drone. I grabbed the below image from video and I'm quite pleased with how good the video is for under $100. The only problem I've found at this point is the camera mount won't allow the camera to be tilted at all.....so I'll have to do some mods there! LOL But again....for $85 it is fun.

View attachment 31734
Sorry about the ad in the image....guess I need to pay for a full verison of the viewer app!
:stop: Did you register that drone before the first flight mister? ;)
Somebody took up two spaces with their little junker in a completely packed parking lot. Someone else left him a note.
That car seems to have left a trail of fluids and a big puddle underneath it.
That car seems to have left a trail of fluids and a big puddle underneath it.
Yeah, they pushed it back into a spot because it puked all its lifeforce...I wouldn't have worried about being in the lines either.
This never gets old to me. I love living here (Destin,FL). Although it's 44 degrees right now and I don't particularly want to get wet.

Tried to take my dog
to the dog park
between appointments today and ...
Everywhere a sign
Breaking up the scenery
Blowing my mind ... Do this don't do that can't you read the signs ?
Blowing my mind ... Do this don't do that can't you read the signs ?
Signs, Signs, Every where are Signs...
Electrical science demos for one of Rana's coworkers. White LEDs, RGB LEDs, a incandescent light bulb, a fan, an old Yamaha horn, a DPDT switch and 12v and 6v power supplies. The power supplies are not in the picture.