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Show us what you see!!!

Looking at it snowing. Nothing much for you guys up north however this is big time stuff here in Florida. Best pic I could get at the moment but it's snowing more than what it looks like in the pic.

Took this snokeling in the Turks in November....it was getting its teeth cleaned by cleaner wrasse....was cool to watch!\

The official start to summer being right around the corner!

Our patio door thanks to Jonas' snow and high winds. (Actual depth in driveway was over 2' when we shoveled it around lunch and we've had at least another 6" since then.)



PS: @RobA I hope they got the subfloor done and covered up... this one's gonna take a bit more than a broom to clear!!
Our patio door thanks to Jonas' snow and high winds. (Actual depth in driveway was over 2' when we shoveled it around lunch and we've had at least another 6" since then.)

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View attachment 32338

PS: @RobA I hope they got the subfloor done and covered up... this one's gonna take a bit more than a broom to clear!!
Holy CRAP thats a nice drift!!!!
Our patio door thanks to Jonas' snow and high winds. (Actual depth in driveway was over 2' when we shoveled it around lunch and we've had at least another 6" since then.)

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View attachment 32338

PS: @RobA I hope they got the subfloor done and covered up... this one's gonna take a bit more than a broom to clear!!
Oh hell no!!! Dude! You better move South. :D
Watched the US Women's national team vs the Republic of Ireland national team today. Has special meaning since my daughter plays soccer and will have dual citizenship and could potentially play for either team some day. A father can always dream, right? ;)
The official start to summer being right around the corner!

View attachment 32333

We were there today as well. It was nice to get out of the cold and dream about warm days and a new boat. The Mastercraft X46 that they had there was freakin' sweet. But at $100k, I won't be buying one anytime soon.
We were there today as well. It was nice to get out of the cold and dream about warm days and a new boat. The Mastercraft X46 that they had there was freakin' sweet. But at $100k, I won't be buying one anytime soon.
Yeah that blue one was insane. 120k ish and sold. Wow can't even comprehend! After seeing the new Bimini on the 242e series I am officially not a fan. Not because of the size and coverage but the inconvenience. Wishing they had a FSH there but oh well.
Yeah that blue one was insane. 120k ish and sold. Wow can't even comprehend! After seeing the new Bimini on the 242e series I am officially not a fan. Not because of the size and coverage but the inconvenience. Wishing they had a FSH there but oh well.

I agree, the top just doesn't seem like a good idea if you plan on towing your boat very often.
image.png Rain! All I see is freaking rain! Wintertime is supposed to be cool and dry.....thanks El Niño! Is that El Chappo's brother? Well anyway it's nothing but rain down here.
View attachment 32503 Rain! All I see is freaking rain! Wintertime is supposed to be cool and dry.....thanks El Niño! Is that El Chappo's brother? Well anyway it's nothing but rain down here.

Yep, you are getting what came through here last night. We caught a little bit of a break and there is a little more behind it. Enjoy hehe
I see 82 degree days, 72 nights, and 81 degree water for the next 10 days. Business trips are rough! (Of course, this will only make me wish for the summer even more and probably add more money to my boat wish list as I pine away on this forum)
I see 82 degree days, 72 nights, and 81 degree water for the next 10 days. Business trips are rough! (Of course, this will only make me wish for the summer even more and probably add more money to my boat wish list as I pine away on this forum)
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The only thing that could have made this post better... You getting a direct flight! Soak up the sun for us.
Two of my daughters are off to college and so I am using their bedrooms for storage. Here I am using one of their beds as flat storage for my waiting-to-be-installed SeaDeck and for my just arrived new Liquid Force Fish surf board.

Fish Surf Board.jpeg
Two of my daughters are off to college and so I am using their bedrooms for storage. Here I am using one of their beds as flat storage for my waiting-to-be-installed SeaDeck and for my just arrived new Liquid Force Fish surf board.

View attachment 32687
I know the feeling, Our daughter is away. Her room is filled with the cleanout of everything while we have our bathroom remodeled....including removing a closet we used to have to the bathroom could get bigger. She surprised us with a visit a couple weekends ago.....She had to sleep on the couch but didn't mind.
This is how @Emma and Gavin like to sleep on the weekends.
