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Day 10 of 10 at the Hard Rock Resort in Punta Cana. Happy to see Eastern Washington with temps in the 50's when I get back - spring countdown has begun!image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
Lake Geneva Wisconsin (Green Bay Packer country) this weekend. The joke going around was they all were IL plates with Bears bumper stickers.
Those sculptures are awesome.
The detail is incredible!!
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Went skiing this weekend... Had to try out my new ski suit....
Is your suit all white? You don't really stand out or jump off the screen much!:jawdrop:
DD at a wedding where I know no one. But hey... The wife seems to be having a blast.

Wow... school dances up here are like strobe lights and speakers taller than I am. I love your version!
Emma and Gavin had their first school dance. Emma is on the left in the white hat. Gavin has the black and white vest on and @Rana is in the middle.

I love all of the cowboy hats. Was it a cowboy theme or is that just typical dance attire?
I assume the ice just couldn't support the weight of the cars. People were saying that the ice was a bit thin near the shore. Several vehicles were out in the middle of the lake (ice fishermen).
Cheers to summer!

Flying home through Seattle yesterday and I see this car pull up on the tarmac, it has Delta Airlines on the window. I guess they are making enough money!

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Remodeling at my childhood home
