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I have to say that I am very impressed with the quality of these 3D Letters and the packaging.

Ya think the Aston guy is gonna be pissed after work?
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Now I gotta get back to wrenching on the R8 so @veedubtek will be proud!
Haha! I do that too with my cheap work car. Jerks never learn tho!
That is freakin awesome! I love it. :thumbsup:
I've been doing that same thing a lot to a lot of people at work who think they can park anywhere they want. Just block their door with my big Chevy Express van.
What am I missing here??? The guy driving the dented Aston looks like is parked in his allotted space. Meaning the D is the guy in the infinity. This happened to me a while back and really pissed me off!

But as for the guy that thinks he can park anywhere... I'm all for trying to teach a lesson.
What am I missing here??? The guy driving the dented Aston looks like is parked in his allotted space. Meaning the D is the guy in the infinity. This happened to me a while back and really pissed me off!

But as for the guy that thinks he can park anywhere... I'm all for trying to teach a lesson.

His car does look to be legitimately parked - I only assumed it isn't his space - or something of that nature.
His car does look to be legitimately parked - I only assumed it isn't his space - or something of that nature.
Ahh... Never thought about that. Well deserved then.

Now back to @Murf'n'surf and that R8. So many questions...
Long story short and completely inaccurate - @Murf'n'surf bought an R8 today and is bringing it to me to "inspect" for a month or so.
Long story short and completely inaccurate - @Murf'n'surf bought an R8 today and is bringing it to me to "inspect" for a month or so.
Who better to have work the VW bugs outta the Audi than @veedubtek ? Lol. It's got Stassis chip and exhaust as well--- gonna have fun on Alligator Alley. Thanks for the help on the battery change. Finally found that frunk release after I removed the fuse panel. Gonna run the car home on my NOCO jump pack and change the battery in a well lite area with the proper tools.
My 20 year old nephew. What a beast! He's a pitcher in college and this was a pic he took just playing around for a workout. He throws a baseball in the low 90's!!
Bunk house at scout camp in ely mn
Tomorrow we dog sled and camp out side for 2 nights
Wake up this morning, walk downstairs to make a cup of joe and this is what I see. Pretty cool. Morning mom son round of Mario 3.

What the wife wants, she gets! She liked the green better, so we traded the VXR on another one.

What the wife wants, she gets! She liked the green better, so we traded the VXR on another one.

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Sweet looking pair!

If you use that nylon web loop on the trailer winch it makes it so much easier to unhook and the winch hook isn't near the gel coat to scratch it. Don't you love how people give their $.02 unsolicited? Lol :winkingthumbsup"