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Show us what you see!!!

@ Julian that pic brings back some good memories. I went college at long beach state, excuse me California state university at long beach and have taken the tour a few times back then the spruce goose was next door and included in the tour I think. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
I was in a restaurant (I think) a few weeks ago when I saw this sign for the first time ever so I felt compelled to take a pic of it.

Maybe this is why some of the workers there seemed all "stuck up".
I was in a restaurant (I think) a few weeks ago when I saw this sign for the first time ever so I felt compelled to take a pic of it.

Maybe this is why some of the workers there seemed all "stuck up".
View attachment 33268
I would take my sh$t elsewhere!
Finally picked up the new ski!

@veedubtek I have a 2016 FX HO just not the cruiser and love it! We do open ocean riding as well and its great not a complaint thus far besides not spending enough time on it! Hope you get to enjoy it soon!
Taking it out tomorrow @2nazt ! After the VXR, I'm sure we'll have no complaints. We're already talking about trading the VXR back in for another one, lol.
@Bruce studies have shown... Kids who do homework at truck stops are more succesful in life!
The Queen Mary.....
My son and I snowboarding at heavenly resort with Lake Tahoe in the back ground.
How do you guys like that RIDE feature? Does it live up to the hype?
@buckbuck I think the RIDE is very impressive and convenient. It spins on a dime with it slows down with little nose dive. I find reverse not to useful as its not quick but transitions to a 180 easily and assists with offloading off trailer. Over all I enjoy it and glad we have and so does my wife.
We were on Belews @justason . Water still 57 in most spots! (not that we got in)

I absolutely LOVE the RIDE @buckbuck .
It's a far cry from the 70+ degree temps we had last Saturday! 20160224_100742.jpg