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Sweet looking pair!

If you use that nylon web loop on the trailer winch it makes it so much easier to unhook and the winch hook isn't near the gel coat to scratch it. Don't you love how people give their $.02 unsolicited? Lol :winkingthumbsup"

You know this. I know this. For some reason the silly broom techs at the dealer don't know this. That's how I had them both on there. I sent my buddy up there to swap the VXR for the FX while I tinkered with his car today. Somehow or another, they pulled mine off the trailer, put it back on the other side (crooked as hell), and then put my wifes on. And hooked both. I'd raise hell if I hadn't got such a sweet deal on these 2.
I kinda thought you were as smart as I am but I had to point it out due to my ocd tendencies. ;)
as of 3 17 2016

This 8 year old sold over 2400 boxes of girls scout cookies this year plus she donated over 200 boxes of cookies to our military personnel. Ok so I'm particularly proud of her since she is one of my grand children.
As of 3 12 16 she has passed the 3000 mark , she stated she wanted to be in the top 10 percent for the entire country. She also has over 300 boxes of cookies donated to our troops. I helped I suggested she bring markers and have the people write their name and a thank you message to the troops . People really liked doing that. Since she started having people sign the boxes they are donating to the troops she has over 400 boxes donated. As of 03 17 16
Now she has passed 500 boxes of cookies donated to the military troops , having people sign the box is really working .
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We started her off playing on the water at a pretty young age .

Wife LOVES the Phantom. She is a sunset nut. She frequently drives to the beach to see them. The fact that she can get a look from the house on days she can't go is priceless to her. This is straight up about 300ft. Reminds us that we live in paradise....makes me miss the boat.

I need to figure out the best youtube edit for video. Not sure why it made it mid screen.

Damn murf, it looks like '04 and '05 were busy years. Is sandy in '12 a different color for a reason?
Damn murf, it looks like '04 and '05 were busy years. Is sandy in '12 a different color for a reason?
Florida sun fades everything!
Looks like one helluva tow rig ya got there!
2005 was a m@th€r£ucker and I hope no one has to ever go through another year like that! 2004 and 2005 were just ridiculous :mad:
Looks like one helluva tow rig ya got there!
I wish!
That's a Florida Power & Light truck. After a few of the storms FPL started putting those stickers on to commemorate their swift action in restoring power. We must have some FPL people on this forum?
I was actually camping on a barrier island during both those storm seasons 04 and 05, the first year did a lot of damage to all our camping gear but I did spend the night on the island holding down the fort literally, however the second year the island had all it's Australian pine trees removed just before the storm season so there was no shelter from the wind resulting in everything being totaled. I did not sleep on the island that time but when I returned to see the damage I decided to cancel camping on that island from then on and I haven't done it since. It began as a yearly ritual for my kids to get out of school for summer vacation and spend 2 weeks on the island camping, waterskiing, fishing, etc. And oddly we really have not had a bad season since.
Over the weekend a Police Officer was killed on her first day on the job a few minutes from my house.... Last night they had a processional for her from Funeral Home to the Chapel where her service was to be held today... It was a somber moment for sure... I work in Law Enforcement and hope I never have to attend anything close to what I witnessed last night...

Over the weekend a Police Officer was killed on her first day on the job a few minutes from my house.... Last night they had a processional for her from Funeral Home to the Chapel where her service was to be held today... It was a somber moment for sure... I work in Law Enforcement and hope I never have to attend anything close to what I witnessed last night...

Truly tragic. Thank you for your service, @PaulyB
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