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Awesome pic @veedubtek ! I may take my ski up there when I make my visit to Greensboro in a few weeks.
Plenty of room on the boat if ya don't wanna drag it up. We'd be happy to have ya @ScarabMike
image.jpeg NCAA First Four
image.jpeg Saw this guy hanging out on the side of a run yesterday. Couple people stopped to feed him a snack.
This 8 year old sold over 2400 boxes of girls scout cookies this year plus she donated over 200 boxes of cookies to our military personnel. Ok so I'm particularly proud of her since she is one of my grand children.
As of 3 12 16 she has passed the 3000 mark , she stated she wanted to be in the top 10 percent for the entire country. She also has over 300 boxes of cookies donated to our troops. I helped I suggested she bring markers and have the people write their name and a thank you message to the troops . People really liked doing that. Since she started having people sign the boxes they are donating to the troops she has over 400 boxes donated. As of 03 17 16
Now she has passed 500 boxes of cookies donated to the military troops , having people sign the box is really working .
About to embark on Carnival Conquest out if Ft Lauderdale. Any other Jet Boaters on here?

This 8 year old sold over 2400 boxes of girls scout cookies this year plus she donated over 200 boxes of cookies to our military personnel. Ok so I'm particularly proud of her since she is one of my grand children.
As of 3 12 16 she has passed the 3000 mark , she stated she wanted to be in the top 10 percent for the entire country. She also has over 300 boxes of cookies donated to our troops. I helped I suggested she bring markers and have the people write their name and a thank you message to the troops . People really liked doing that. Since she started having people sign the boxes they are donating to the troops she has over 400 boxes donated. As of 03 17 16
Now she has passed 500 boxes of cookies donated to the military troops , having people sign the box is really working .
Awesome....How did she get a spot in the mall? Know someone who let her use it or did they rent it?
I believe she had permission from the mall to use that location plus she worked a few other places
Our first outing of the year. She did great. All we did was refill the fridge and turn the keys. She sprung back to life and took us and six friends on perhaps a 35 mile spin on the lake today.

A few more

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Been out SUPing a few times this week. Picked up this inflatable board from @SoCal SUP Deals a few weeks ago and am loving being out on the water. Looking forward to bringing it with me in the boat too.