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Another beauty! 14590382097121089793109.jpg
Perfect! You're all set if you're taking a cruise up shits creek!
Perfect! You're all set if you're taking a cruise up shits creek!

Our paddle says "Shit crick paddle" on it in dark black permanent marker. I figured the only time we would ever really need it is if we are "Up shit crick!"
Happy Easter everyone! I decided I'd get out early and do some garage boating this morning. Listened to some tunes, wrote some emails and just enjoyed looking at my seadek. I adjusted my newly repaired captains chair (so much better with everything greased) and just hung out. Hung out in the bow, laid back in the stern seats, sat on the swim deck. Nice morning and I was back in time to make the kids breakfast, only to answer questions of what I was doing in the garage making motorboat sounds...hope everyone enjoys their weekend. 20160327_111607.jpg
Happy Easter everyone! I decided I'd get out early and do some garage boating this morning. Listened to some tunes, wrote some emails and just enjoyed looking at my seadek. I adjusted my newly repaired captains chair (so much better with everything greased) and just hung out. Hung out in the bow, laid back in the stern seats, sat on the swim deck. Nice morning and I was back in time to make the kids breakfast, only to answer questions of what I was doing in the garage making motorboat sounds...hope everyone enjoys their weekend. View attachment 34825
@njmr2fan What was the problem with your captain's seat?
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Good day to fold the lounge seats out and do some feeshing!

I only got in one ski trip this year but it was a good one, Easter skiing in Whitefish Montana with my son, had the place to ourselves!
Good for you! Ive gotten in NO mountain time in the past 2 years....:(
Ordered Friday night and delivered Easter Sunday. I love Amazon!
View attachment 34886

Will Hot Sauce help with a little bit of oxidation I have going on? I see it says Sealant. I've used McGuires High Gloss and Pure Wax over the oxidation but it still comes back within days.
Will Hot Sauce help with a little bit of oxidation I have going on? I see it says Sealant. I've used McGuires High Gloss and Pure Wax over the oxidation but it still comes back within days.
No. Some waxes and sealants will hide your oxidation because they contain an oil but this is not the cure, its only a very short term cover up. You will need to sand that oxidation off, either by wet sanding or mechanical buffing with an appropriate compound.
This is a combo that I've used so successfully on boat detailing that it's worked it's way onto my (and others) cars.
1. Wash with dawn dish detergent to remove all wax.
2. Wipe with Isopropyl alcohol
3. Polish with a dual action or "random orbital" polisher set to speed 4-5 with Duragloss 501. Polish out the oxidation wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.
4. Apply Duragloss 105 polish over the top at a speed of 3. Wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.
I then go the extra yard by applying Colinite845 insulating wax. On the boat it wears off after 3 months. On my vehicles I easily get 12 with beading comparable to only the best nano sealants like CQuartz.20160330_114722.jpg20160330_114613.jpg
Will Hot Sauce help with a little bit of oxidation I have going on? I see it says Sealant. I've used McGuires High Gloss and Pure Wax over the oxidation but it still comes back within days.
There's a guy over this way that is REALLY good....He cleaned up my 05 twice. The Red was brutal for oxidation. Let me know if you're interested. It probably wouldn't be too bad of a tow, he's up 231 so you could just shoot over on highway 20.
Thanks @Big Shasta . Planning to hit Cape San Blas again this year. We'll see where I'm at with this when we go through there.