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Thanks @Big Shasta . Planning to hit Cape San Blas again this year. We'll see where I'm at with this when we go through there.
Damnit. You just had to bring up CSB, I miss going to work there everyday:-(
Thanks @Big Shasta . Planning to hit Cape San Blas again this year. We'll see where I'm at with this when we go through there.
Sounds good...maybe just drop it off with him when you are headed back.

Just noticed he got all high tech and has a website.

Great guy, fair price, awesome work. His name is Paul. Call his cell# when your ready to set it up. I think he charged me 250 to clean up my badly oxidized ar230. Looked brand new when he was done. I had it done again a couple years later when I sold it.
Damnit. You just had to bring up CSB, I miss going to work there everyday:-(
Post up some pics of texas waters...I'm sure they can't compare but it's hard to compete with here.
I don't understand.
In your picture, all of the houses have the same vent. It doesn't look like any vent I'm used to seeing but thought its a radon vent. A radon vent gathers radon gas from under the homes slab and exhausts it beyond the highest point of the roof.
In your picture, all of the houses have the same vent. It doesn't look like any vent I'm used to seeing but thought its a radon vent. A radon vent gathers radon gas from under the homes slab and exhausts it beyond the highest point of the roof.
Oh. They are vents for the gas furnaces and gas hot water heaters I believe. Must of the homes out here have gas appliances vs electric.
@ToddW850 we saw most (a lot) of the sites today and I'm not big into meuseams... Anything stand out that is a must do? I have tomorrow all day before meetings take up the rest of the week.
@GiddYupJoe we did a tour that started at the Louvre Museum, then on a river boat to the Eiffel Tower. It included lunch in the restaurant inside the tower. Very cool and this was our highlight. Only things that stick out beyond that is the Notre Dame Cathedral and all of the restaurants with outdoor seating. We enjoyed the food. Wish I had more for you, but you could get on ViaTour.com for other tours/excursions. That's where we found ours.

Almost got the same pic as yours! Haha



Also, we were there less than a week after the Terrorist Attacks in November. I went by the restaurants that were attacked. Very somber. Thousands of flowers at both restaurants and pictures of the victims. They were obviously still closed and the bullet holes were clear as day. But it was special to stop by the locations, plus it was a historic attack.



It's so nice having my daughter drive the boat, it makes launching and retrieving SO EASY vs. a one person operation,
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