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Congratulations Helipilot11. Simple pure joy seeing new borns.
This is some major B.S. It's not supposed to be snowing in Kentucky in April.

Yeah... or stick...
I have a fireworks show for that wedding tonight!
Here is a pic of the Shipping cover and anti pooling kit that I got for the price of shipping from Acme Supply on the other site. I plan to use this as an additional long term storage (top) cover.

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Hallelujah! The season is upon us! Let us rejoice!!!
My wife and I were just at the store commenting on the same thing @Jim Robeson!
First pic is my daughter in the back in white and her friend shooting a free throw. Notice there are 2 of them. The second pic is just my daughter after her buddy fouls out. At one point it was 3 v 5 with 6 minutes left. Then it went 2 v 5 with 4:50 left. Worst case of officiating I have ever seen. Championship game and the team foul count was 32-15. The other coach even apologized to our team and said she had never seen anything this bad in her coaching career. They never lost a game the whole tournament until this game.
@bronze_10 I was thinking that isn't what the storage locker is for. LOL. My kids do like the 210's closet area a lot; so much, I files off all the points on the screws that stuck through and covered with some 4200 so they gn't gouge their heads. Over the winter, little spiders seem to love my in-floor compartments. They are about to get evicted (or squashed).
My 13 year old driving the Smart car at the high school parking lot.

I was sitting next to him ready to shift to neutral whenever he was actually driving. As he put it what a great way to end spring break.

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@ Ronnie JR - I really think you should talk to your father about practice driving with the Corvette. It's really only a matter of time before your driving it and wouldn't it really be better to learn in the car you'll normally be using, Good Job!
@bronze_10 I was thinking that isn't what the storage locker is for. LOL. My kids do like the 210's closet area a lot; so much, I files off all the points on the screws that stuck through and covered with some 4200 so they gn't gouge their heads. Over the winter, little spiders seem to love my in-floor compartments. They are about to get evicted (or squashed).
When we were running the rgb led wires they had to crawl way in the back of some of the compartments.... so far u couldn't see their feet... lol. I didn't mention the spiders until we were all done....
@ Ronnie JR - I really think you should talk to your father about practice driving with the Corvette. It's really only a matter of time before your driving it and wouldn't it really be better to learn in the car you'll normally be using, Good Job!

Funny you should mention this. I wanted to bring the vette out to the high school so that he could drive it too down in the lot while I tested / practiced on the quad copter. He said if we took the vette he didn't want to drive. So now neither my son not my wife will drive the vette and I don't understand why?
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