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This is with the lower bunk down

Why is the lanyard on a suction cup on the windshield? Should I be doing this?
Exactly. It reminds me to attach it, and its secondary purpose was so at any point if i'm out of the boat (tubing, wakeboarding) and someone else is driving without the lanyard and there's an emergency, the boys (5&6) know to just pull the rip cord and stop the boat. Ive let them practice a few times.
The season is upon us!!! Special shout out to @Livi0411 for letting me borrow his slip until mine is ready to go! @cbus hope you got on the water today... Your boat looked awefuly lonely in storage.

Emma wanted a full sized bunk bed with a desk under it for her birthday. We had a desk so I built a bunk bed to go over it. The lower bunk is on pulleys and raises up and down. It is up in this picture. When lowered it sits 2" above the desk top. She has two sleepovers planned this weekend. The first with 4 kids in the bed the second with 3.

View attachment 35756

Good job!
I had one built for my son a couple years ago, just wanted a loft bed so he would have more floor room, we couldn't find one in the stores that fit our needs/wants so I went to a local (Panama City) furniture repair/cabinet building place. I showed the older man some pics and described what we wanted and a few measurements, and told him I wanted it pretty easily disassembled, because I knew we would be moving.
There's a drawer and some shelves under the steps, we love it. He did an excellent job building it and I can take it apart in about 10 minutes without removing screws that will affect the appearance/finish.
@Wayloncle, it looks like your builder did a great job. I am curious what he charged? I have perhaps $200 in materials and three days labor invested in Emma's.
@Wayloncle, it looks like your builder did a great job. I am curious what he charged? I have perhaps $200 in materials and three days labor invested in Emma's.
Well, I wanted to build my own, but we had just moved to FL from a 3000 sq foot, 5 bedroom, 3 car garage house with full finished basement to a 3 bedroom 1500sq foot house with single car garage. So I didn't have the space and time to build one.
So I paid $1100 for it, seems expensive now but it was completely worth it at the time. It should last us a good long time, when my 9 year old out grows it my 3 year old will get several years out of it:-)
Wow they grow up fast! My daughter had Prom last night.
Well, I wanted to build my own, but we had just moved to FL from a 3000 sq foot, 5 bedroom, 3 car garage house with full finished basement to a 3 bedroom 1500sq foot house with single car garage. So I didn't have the space and time to build one.
So I paid $1100 for it, seems expensive now but it was completely worth it at the time. It should last us a good long time, when my 9 year old out grows it my 3 year old will get several years out of it:)

I expected it to be expensive. Lots and lots of labor. I think you did well.
I expected it to be expensive. Lots and lots of labor. I think you did well.
He put a lot more fine detail in it than I ever could have, it took him about three weeks. It was finished right before Christmas, I left it in my trailer until Christmas Eve night, my son went to sleep in his old bed, I went in and carried him to our bedroom, put the loft bed together and carried him back in when I was all done, so he woke up Christmas Morning in his new bed. He had no idea we were having it built.
He put a lot more fine detail in it than I ever could have, it took him about three weeks. It was finished right before Christmas, I left it in my trailer until Christmas Eve night, my son went to sleep in his old bed, I went in and carried him to our bedroom, put the loft bed together and carried him back in when I was all done, so he woke up Christmas Morning in his new bed. He had no idea we were having it built.
What a great Christmas story. I remember being able to sleep that soundly, a long.....long.....long time ago. ;)
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Got my baby out today for the first time after purchase. So happy to get home and get ready for a great summer. Also got a nice surprise that it already has EZ Locks...