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Show us what you see!!!

Some friends of mine purchased a 2016 SX192. They took it out for the first time today and I went with them to show them some pointers. They are keeping it on Eglin AFB.

Next is to get him to join the Forum. Don't know he is much of an online guy.

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Got our boat out for the first time yesterday with my brother and nephew who were visiting for the weekend....

Did some more testing with the DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter/drone. This time I tried the follow me/track and orbiting functions out. Here is a pic of my Son in the driver's seat. With the top down it was a lot easier to fly the drone and felt a little like I was doing it from a boat, except that I wasn't able to easily turn around as I am when I'm in a boat.
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Oh... You know... Just a lady walking her fox down my street! WTF

I took so many pictures but none that look tremendous as people's cars half buried in water... I really feel bad for Houston every time I come down here,.. This is 3 times in a year that I have come down here and things get to flooding.
I took so many pictures but none that look tremendous as people's cars half buried in water... I really feel bad for Houston every time I come down here,.. This is 3 times in a year that I have come down here and things get to flooding.
Hmmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here...
Hmmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here...

Tell me about it! I'm flying home now, I am sure it will dry out down there now. I posted to Facebook that I was a bad luck flooding charm for down there. I need to just stop flying south!
Does your wife need a coat?

Strange for sure.....is it really a fox or something that looks like it?
I have heard about some lady that has a fox around our neighborhood for a couple years now. This is the first that I have had the opportunity to see it.
I saw this pic in this month's Boat U.S. Magazine, "Boat U.S. guide to trailering". Now I'm wondering if the "Weekend Jetaway" is owned by a member here. Looks like an early 230 with aftermarket sea dek and speakers.
it may be hard to tell but magic is happening here! after about 5 years of having to hold the hood open with my head to check the oil or sticking a piece of wood in to prop it open to fix something I finally replaced the old gas struts so the hood would stay open by itself, it's just beautiful (to me!)

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@Scottintexas it must be a Toyota thing as my wife's 4runner has the same problem. It's been a gem and I rarely open the hood, but when I do it always reminds me :)
@Ramblin Wreck
buy them on amazon and one bolt to unscrew, 10 minutes at the most, I can't believe I put it off for so long,