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GET A FREE 3"x 2" JBN MAGNET with every 2 sticker purchase. Click the link in my signature (turn your phone sideways for you mobile guys) for the sticker order thread. For comparison purposes I show the larger stacked logo sticker under the magnets.

Thanks for showing your love to the absolute finest Jetboating forum in the universe!

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Got any JBN magnets instead? Not the biggest YJB fan. ;) :P
Looking out the front windows sitting in our new to us cruiser. 1461963733372-242381263.jpg
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Just got my new slip all set up. Two motors now and no more center bar pulley system! Boat will be extra high and dry now.

1462045499137-759261512.jpg 14620455799631893181675.jpg 1462045673505-705899242.jpg 1462045723472-734409283.jpg Sitting in our slip.
3.5 miles out on the Atlantic doing some Freediving and having lunch today. Not to bad 1-3' what a great outing.


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So, I've been working on the boat this afternoon. And the weather is just strange - its like 85 and sunny, I'm getting sunburned - but the skies are turning this weird color... And then...
We get pummeled with hail! I barely manage to pull the cover over the boat, getting hit with 1/2 inch diameter ice balls - look at all the hail bounced off the cover accumulating on the swim platform - took about 2 min. CRAZY!!!! :eek:


And then we get this - a double rainbow...o_O You can still see all the white stuff on the ground - that is ice...
How long are you in town?
Unfortunately we just got home, but from the sound of it, we will be invited back to stay with friends again next year. Loved it down there. I dont know that I could handle July and August, but man, other than that, you guys have it made.