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Show us what you see!!!

In case you are all bored of my never ending additions to my boat sale post (I kept thinking of things I'd done/added to her) and didn't see the latest one.....this is @Opresso driving away with her....

Congrats at @Opresso!

It is going go to be a long boatless start to the summer for @Julian!
In case you are all bored of my never ending additions to my boat sale post (I kept thinking of things I'd done/added to her) and didn't see the latest one.....this is @Opresso driving away with her....

Congrats both of u... @oppressors is getting a nice yammy.... and Jian gets the exciting and possibly painful part.. I know you both are so very excited!
Well my wife asked me to stop asking questions and she took me to south beach for my 40th bday... Staying at the... Fontainebleau.... image.jpegimage.jpeg
Enjoy your stay in S Florida!

I know that yatch!!! That's Happy Day... She's for sale just under $7 million.
Got some lake time in between club basketball tournament this weekend. Played three games this morning to take the tournament championship!
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Okay, I have to ask: what is the spire in the back? a gazebo?
It is actually the steeple of the old Presbyterian church behind our house. Not the best picture but you get the idea.
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Saw this (indoor surfing) yesterday for the first time in person (before it was just on tv usually in a cruise ship setting). The skinny being $20 per hour to get in a line of up to 10 people (they split the surf area in two afte that to make two lines/surf areas), 45 second limit per ride unles you fall off or get carried past the crest and Into cushions first, your choice of their kneeboard or "surf board"/more the size of a wake skate (there is a yellow on in the pic). We were not dressed for the occasion but plan to go back sometime this summer.
I did that a couple of years ago here in the Dallas area at a store on a shopping mall. It was a cool experience. It was a surprise my wife threw at me for my birthday. I did the boogie board/knee board thing like in your pic @Ronnie .
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Well she did gas it......in reverse! LOL
My kid shooting two 23's tonight!
