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A little driveway extension!20160503_140922.jpg
And a upgrade to the RV pad too!20160503_141008.jpg
Looks like former NBA player Shaquille O'Neil (sp?)? I read a short bio on him a a while back, fearing he would end up in financial ruin he started investing his nba earnings early and went back to college to earn his degree. He now owns something like 100 franchises many of them five guys burgers and fries.
That's a lot of concrete @Zarrella ! I know it'll be well worth it for your driveway alone. Larger pad for the camper is bonus. Nice job!
The additions were 25 yards of concrete. Been wanting to do this since we built the second garage.
That's correct it is Shaq. Notice the adult behind him on a full size bike. Then take a look at his bike. He is one big dude!
@Ramblin Wreck did you tell him "nice shorts?" ;) seriously though, did you talk to him? He seems to be a pretty nice guy when out in public.
Unfortunately I did not. The property we play on has fields a good distance apart. One of the parents actually took the pic and sent it too me. He recently purchased a home next to the fields we play on and has showed up a few times. I personally have not spoken with him. I was hoping he would show up at one of our games because I was going to ask him to pitch to our little t-ballers.
Had a little free time on my hands this afternoon....

Noodle mod!

We made lightsaber party favors for my son's b-day party (Star Wars themed), I'm sure the other parents are going to love these things. :D
These crazy birds were having mating dances on this black BMW. Was interesting to watch.
Gavin's eyes were a little bigger than his stomach!

So - how do you explain to your kids that WS-420 is NOT a karaoke machine?
And yes, buying an extension cable for the "talkback" mic was a mistake.

I know exactly what you mean @swatski Thankfully we don't have an extension though. They will grow out of it ........ Several years from now ;)
Who can spot the common thread in their choice of shirts?
