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Cleaned, washed and waxed!
Lone Star Classic. I think there were 120 courts playing at the same time = a shitload of whistles!!


Just a cheap toy, but this is coolest little horn I've ever seen. Surprisingly loud, and never runs out of air!

25th wedding anniversary trip booked!

Nice! Been to several Sandals and really enjoyed them.
Nice! Been to several Sandals and really enjoyed them.

It is our first. It is a brutal travel day from the Seattle airport...excited that the scuba is all included - makes up for us not being drinkers!
Saw this on Highway 20 in Niceville. I'll be honest.....I have absolutely NO idea what this advertisement is supposed to be saying.

Realtors with crappy fashion sense??
Equipped with Cobra Venom TATAS cooler contents optional
Now did you catch the mode of transportation? It is a hover board with a cooler and wheels attached here is the economy version upload_2016-4-26_20-23-18.jpeg
now they are getting carried away
not to be outdone