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God bless the bible belt. Breakfast joint on outer banks NC
What is that cow doing on your plate?
The only thing missing is lake in my back yard. Cheers.

SCF - Pens vs Blues. Pens in 6. I'm calling it now.
I keep hearing that it's the San Jose Sharks year to shine, of course they are the local team to me. Currently there is a lot more focus on the Golden State Warriors.
Lightning series is going to be rough. I'm thinking of traveling up to Tampa for a game but I hear the crowd is pretty crappy to outside fans.
First time working with Hydro Carbon. Im hooked.

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First time working with Hydro Carbon. I'm hooked.
@ScarabMike, damn, that looks good! Now you have me wondering about a dash upgrade...! Can you post a link to a source? (Tried googling hydro carbon and that ended about as well as expected.)