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Show us what you see!!!

image.jpeg Natures way of saying the shrink wrap should have stayed on... It is almost June... Wtf.
Bad picture! Moderators please remove this offensive post.:)
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Yesterday would have been my daughters 6th birthday. She passed away in October suddenly from illness. There is a bridge in Pensacola they call "graffiti bridge". She loved painting it so we went last night and took it over.
Sorry for your loss @Alex Smith. Love what you did with the bridge.
@Alex Smith I'm so sadden to hear about your daughter, I will keep your family in my prayers, The bridge is a wonderful way to celebrate her life,
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
First time out this year and had a great time in the C&D Canal and Elk River in Maryland boat ran great... Can I just say how I love this boat and how great it handles..... Did a few hard turns throwing the wife across the boat...
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16th birthday so we went and got her official license this morning! My baby is driving by herself and it scares the $@&# out of me!!!
If you think that's scary wait till she asks for the keys to your boat to take her boyfriend out.
If you think that's scary wait till she asks for the keys to your boat to take her boyfriend out.
Never gonna happen!!!!
Stupid picture didn't come out because it was dark by the time I finished... and now the tire's back on soo... you're stuck with a verbal description.
You gearheads are going to make fun of me but tow vehicle ('06 Pilot, 225k miles, aiming for at least 250k) had seized LF caliper and since I was quoted north of $650 for A caliper and rotor I thought what the hell, I'll do it myself!
Piece of cake! Should have been doing this work myself long before this.
After parts I figure I have $550 left over for mods and fuel.

Now I can FINALLY get the boat in the water this week end - tow vehicle up and running and no (well, not much but screw it) rain in the forecast for the first time in over a MONTH of week ends.
My dog wondering why he can't eat what I'm eating!
Nothing like daydreaming the rest of the work week away. Have a safe, healthy & happy holiday.
Hanging out with my brother at Crab Island. He's down for the week from Kentucky with his family.

Then saw this thing too. It's called a "shark." Dude was taking it under water too. $49.99 per ride.

Shark Boat.jpg


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