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@Alex Smith where is that exactly? Pensacola Beach? This looked like me today, when I just about got blocked in at Crab Island.

This pic is off my GoPro. I was videoing my exit. Pic doesn't do it justice, but you can see the only spot I have to exit in front of me. Made it through no issues though.

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We were at Portinfino Point just about a mile east of Pensacola beach. But here's your crab island shot from today. Yeah looks like you were playing a game of frogger. Glad you made it out clean. Also on Facebook Heritage band page they had some good shots from their concert.
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@robert843 here is the link. I originally thought I could make one myself... This one is way nicer than anything I could make. But, it fits in a rod holder, so if you don't have one, it's a great time to put one in. I ordered an extra set of flag holders for like $5 to be able to fly both. I'll be buying another one soon. Top quality and a good purchase transaction. Again, @Andy S pointed me in this direction.

Haven't made it on the lake at all this weekend. Life of a sports parent I guess! Win the consolation bracket after playing for 3 days.
After two days of projects around the house (and waiting out some marginal weather) the skies cleared up and we enjoyed a great Memorial Day out on Minnetonka. I got in some wakeboarding early before the water churned up too much then we retreated into a nice quiet bay and dropped anchor for a few hours. I brought my pole and hooked this nice little guy, what a day!
Our lake from 1000 ft. And cove
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A little weekend fun. It was cold and windy, but it was time to get wet. With no ballast and only two people in the boat, getting any air was a bit of a challenge.

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My new fist mate got a his first shot at breaking in his sea legs this past weekend. He was a champ.
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Man it looks like your boat is way out of the water!!
You are right. It was up there. It took 3 guys to push it back when we were leaving.
Look at dem P A W S ! ! !
Yeah, he is well planted, that's for sure. He is the smallest of the litter too and 14 weeks old so he should be a nice sized dog when he's full grown.
Haven't made it on the lake at all this weekend. Life of a sports parent I guess! Win the consolation bracket after playing for 3 days.
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I know how you feel when it comes to sports. Time consuming, but we love it, don't we. Still managed to get out on Monday, but.........My 17 yr old had the Regional championship on Saturday, while my 10 yr old an me had a Saturday/Sunday tournament. Neil, II had 5 RBI in a 16 - 2 routing of a local rival. As for my 10U team, we finished 1 - 2, but played well. Unfortunately, we faced last years champions first and their runner ups second. Both were winnable games, but we'll get 'em next time.

This is a picture of all the Juniors on the team. Dave on the right, my son Neil, 3rd from the right and Luke, 2nd from the left have played together since 6 yrs old! Go Rockford Christian Royal Lions!

Me, the coach on the left and Jackson, my son, is 2nd from the right. Go Rockford Phoenix!