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That looks like a fun ride.
Out ran about half the storm. Great ride! Everyone was soaked!

New flag pole working great. Thanks for the lead @Andy S!
image.jpeg Not much activity today due to the weather... But I can still hang out in the slip, listen to music, and fish!
How to fix a broken light (I like to call these things a "Missouri special"):
We had a fun morning on Lake Ouachita with family. Heading back out soon on Lake Hamilton for fireworks.

image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg
Our tie up today. Great day out. Notice my wife pulling her self to our boat via the line connected to tube. We went back and forth all day.

The first use of the fire pit!

O.A.R. - Unbelievably good show.
Got busy real quick. All by ourselfs till about 11 and then the parade came. Great day none the less.View attachment 37804

@Alex Smith where is that exactly? Pensacola Beach? This looked like me today, when I just about got blocked in at Crab Island.

This pic is off my GoPro. I was videoing my exit. Pic doesn't do it justice, but you can see the only spot I have to exit in front of me. Made it through no issues though.

Crab Island Memorial Day.jpg
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