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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

fuchsia? LOL Sick cups man!
Sweet ride! I'm in the market for one too.
Going over Destin Bridge today looking at all the boats at Crab Island. We had to attend a wedding today, so no boating.

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Participated in the 105th Bay to Breakers walk / run today (longest consequtive event of its kind in the U.S.
There what you see and hear about, big crowds, drinking, nudity, etc.

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Than there is reality.

<edited by admin to add hashtag...although that 3rd pic...ahhhhh!>


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i got it from a place called Casey Allison's Custom Golf Cart (little over an hour from CLT)... i actually didn't even go look at it i just told them to deliver it after seeing a pic... i will probably change it over time (seats, paint color, etc...)
@jlcj7 just found it on their Facebook page. Nice buy and congrats!
Making the boys throw a bullpen before dinner. Practice makes prepared!Neil2.jpg
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My beer. Miami Beach. Sunny and 85
You're south of me, I'll be running down to Miami for work tomorrow :vomit:
I'll be in Miami beach Monday.

Nice. Unfortunately we are heading home tomorrow. Had a great time though. Have fun!


If you want cheap priced beer head down to Days in on the beach, best prices in area. Enjoy the views... 4441 Collins ave. tell the Russian bar tender hello for me...

Well that would of been nice to know. Didn't know the word cheap existed in Miami.
New toy to get around the neighborhood and to the boat.
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Nice cart. I have a 2003 txt that I rebuilt from the frame up. Running a high performance motor, controller, wires, etc. She's a lot of fun haha. Great way to cruise the neighborhood.