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There is a boat dealership beside my son's soccer field. Looks like one got away during the recent flood.


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That's what happens when you make a hard turn to starboard on a left bend. Couldn't he read the arrow buoys?
There's no way that boat was going to fit between those arrows... lol
I forget how much I missed summer til we are getting to enjoy the river like this! We had the lake to ourselves all evening.....absolutely perfect!

@Rana is celebrating a new position as the high school art teacher at our alma mater which is named for the lake we live on!

@Rana congratulations but really isn't any reason a good reason for some good fajitas!
@Rana painted this yesterday for an exhibition today as well as clenching the new job.

Here is a pic of the Qugga and Zebra mussel inspection dog that inspected my boat on Memorial Day weekend. It's the first time I've heard of/seen such a dog. At another place I've been, but not in a long time because of their inspection process, they check the entire boat for standing water which can take 10 minutes or more, if they find any in the bilge, on the anchor line, etc. you fail and can't launch. Here there was no inspection fee and I didn't have to get out of the car, the dog and trainer simply walked around the boat / trailer in less than 30 seconds, I like it but do wonder how effective it is.
Here is a pic of the Qugga and Zebra mussel inspection dog that inspected my boat on Memorial Day weekend. It's the first time I've heard of/seen such a dog. At another place I've been, but not in a long time because of their inspection process, they check the entire boat for standing water which can take 10 minutes or more, if they find any in the bilge, on the anchor line, etc. you fail and can't launch. Here there was no inspection fee and I didn't have to get out of the car, the dog and trainer simply walked around the boat / trailer in less than 30 seconds, I like it but do wonder how effective it is.
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If the dignity trained and maintained properly very effective.... I ran a detector dog dor over 8 years... I was constantly amazed at her ability.... we would try to mess her ip and she would figure it out everytime..... they are truly amazi5 and it wad the best job I have ever had!
Our Bluetooth speaker for the charity golf tournament yesterday!
Great looking boat @2nazt!
Thanks @Bill D still have more work like speakers etc and get the Bimini up and working too. Love the Stuart sandbar!
Great day on the water!
nothing better than a beautiful sunset on the boat!
Stern anchor point and foundation of secondary bilge pump-
She's approaching readiness for Summer & Bimini-

Now, how to best run this secondary bilge pump....


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Here is a pic of the Qugga and Zebra mussel inspection dog that inspected my boat on Memorial Day weekend. It's the first time I've heard of/seen such a dog. At another place I've been, but not in a long time because of their inspection process, they check the entire boat for standing water which can take 10 minutes or more, if they find any in the bilge, on the anchor line, etc. you fail and can't launch. Here there was no inspection fee and I didn't have to get out of the car, the dog and trainer simply walked around the boat / trailer in less than 30 seconds, I like it but do wonder how effective it is.
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On Lake Michigan beaches we have the zebra mussel shells so thick you can fill buckets without hitting sand. Far less fish the last couple years as well. Pretty sad. Pretty soon we will only have zebra mussels and asian carp.
I heard in Canada they were treating several lakes successfully, hope its not too little too late.