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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

I have been at our Springfield plant for 30 years now. I have worked with several folks from the Decatur plant but that has been over 20 years ago.

On a side note, most of the marine sealants and aerosols that you will find on the shelves of your favorite stores are made right here in Springfield. They all come through our lab and I usually have a hand on what gets released and what doesn't. We make everything from arts and craft adhesives to products that keep airplanes together. Think about that the next time you fly, that plane your in has glue all over it!! :winkingthumbsup"
I'll be in Mt Pulaski Saturday!!
Oh man I thought you were talking Decatur and Springfield, Illinois!!!
Almost done here. Being built to sustain 700+ horsepower full-throttle shifts, and lots of boat pulling.

Almost done here. Being built to sustain 700+ horsepower full-throttle shifts, and lots of boat pulling.

What is it going in?
Lord Stanley has made it to the Burgh!!
Franco is keeping an eye on the Cup!

Attempting to catalogue my grandfather coin collection. . .

Not what I see, but what my buddy sees, and what I wish I could see right now! Outside Console Energy Center. Let's go Pens!!!

I guess I should have made sure the game was on, ha ha