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Show us what you see!!!

I live and work in Shark territory as expected there is very little chatter about them. It seems to confirm the statement that, "two is not a winner and three no one remembers." I'm hoping for an upset but would not bet on it.
A/my new ride:

Tesla Model X p90d
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Trek 24 speed
The tesla is just the latest edition to the garage at work, the bike is replacing one I probably should have replaced years ago (they have come a long way, this one has disc brakes and a blue tooth transmitter built into the frame).

Come on now, if I had $100k + laying around I'd buy a new jet boat or used cabin cruiser and slip to go with it.
While buying a back pack carrier for my phantom 4 I saw this in the corner of the store. For comparison, the phantom 4 weighs under 3 lbs and can carry a few ounces at best and can hover for 28 mins per charge. Before the phantom I used to fly conventional pod/boom rc helicopters like this with a max blade length of 600mm each.
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Oh man... So jealous on every front.....:bawling:
@Ronnie ...so is that Tesla yours....was confused by your post....my boss just got one...loaded...ludicrous edition and all....crazy car!
Damn that thing is pretty! Enjoy!

May need to upgrade the tow vehicle? Looks pretty heavy.
Cleaning the boat cooler, Goliath following me around with these big o eyes! I think he knows some thing's up!

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Holy shit!! And I thought I had the best day ever today! Guess not. Dreams crushed. Carry on now.

Edit:: Airbags in your future...

Double edit:::: What's up with the bow stop!? Congrats!
Lake Kerr
VRBO :-)


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Lake Kerr
VRBO is great. We use it every year for our anniversary and summer vacation. We plan to use it to find a lake home next summer.
My outdoor fireplace with no fire. Sitting out having a beer, listening to music, and enjoying this weather. image.jpeg