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my new "toy"...let's see if I regret dropping my service later this summer when my kid is no longer so motivated to mow the lawn!

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Holy shit!! And I thought I had the best day ever today! Guess not. Dreams crushed. Carry on now.

Edit:: Airbags in your future...

Double edit:::: What's up with the bow stop!? Congrats!
Towed great...no issues at all. Not sure what you are asking about with the bow stop....but I will be changing the roller to a stoltz as soon as I get the boat off the trailer and onto the lift at the marina!
Stereo almost complete - Added my JL Audio M880's powered by a WS HTX-4 today. They sound great with the little tuning I was able to do tonight. I will dial everything in tomorrow.
Towed great...no issues at all. Not sure what you are asking about with the bow stop....but I will be changing the roller to a stoltz as soon as I get the boat off the trailer and onto the lift at the marina!
You now what I mean... Roller... Stop... Just making sure there was not going to be any unnecesary scratches in that beautiful new boat of yours.
Lake Kerr, VA


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And a couple more....pity I didn't take any photos of my boat! LOL

All set for the bimini trip!

The World cat will be rockin bimini soon!

While the old guy with his new toy figures out how to grill on the back of it!
@veedubtek I have the same rack for my ski! I want to cut an exercise pad into 3-4" square for under each leg as not to damage the flooring on the swim deck of the ski. But mine has held great in the ocean. Reboarding is a little hard as I was two up it.
@2nazt, yeah, that's the only thing I noticed yesterday too. I was thinking just a couple pieces or starboard or something a little firmer to help distribute the weight.
Gave the boat a break today.
