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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

That is a damn sexy thumb!!! Very nice looking boat and truck too! Glad you made it safe as well!
Mumford and Sons. . . .Forrest Hills, NY20160616_203806.jpg
Somebody got the sheeps foot stuck!

What are you filling up?
I am visiting the Washinton DC area for the first time with a program from my Son's middle school. The trip included tours of the Arlington National Cemetary and the Vietnam War Memorial among others. We have all heard the saying that, "Freedom is not free." but even as a former service member (Navy) I have to say that visiting these sites is a sombering reminder of what the true cost of Freedom really is, which I regretfully failed to recognize this past Memorial Day. There are currently over 400,000 people buried in Arlington and more than 58,000 names of military personnel killed or missing in action on the Vietnam War Memorial.

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Here are some pics I took while at the Air and Space Museum.
The x15
The plane from the intro of the 6 Million Dollar Man TV show (really dating myself here)
The drone display (interestingly I only saw "no drone zone" signs at the Washinton Memorial but would NOT dare fly one any where in Washington DC.
ME 262
P51-D Mustang
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I am visiting the Washinton DC area for the first time with a program from my Son's middle school. The trip included tours of the Arlington National Cemetary and the Vietnam War Memorial among others. We have all heard the saying that, "Freedom is not free." but even as a former service member (Navy) I have to say that visiting these sites is a sombering reminder of what the true cost of Freedom really is, which I regretfully failed to recognize this past Memorial Day. There are currently over 400,000 people buried in Arlington and more than 58,000 names of military personnel killed or missing in action on the Vietnam War Memorial.

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I went to DC when i was in High School, I want to go back now that I've grown up and have much more respect for everything that is there.
Not that I didn't respect it back then, just on a different level now.
Attempting to catalogue my grandfather coin collection. . .

View attachment 38464

Nice collection.!!!!!!!. I was recently cataloging my grandfathers coins. A large collection of the same, lincoln dimes, buffalo nickels. a large handful of silver dollars from early 1800's, and 1/2 dollars , face value was around $2k.
2 days into it someone broke into my house, stole the entire collection. First time it was outside of the safe in 25 years!!

also stole my 12gauge (purchased when I was 18 years and 1 hour old)......as the police figured it was him, he got scared and threw a bunch of guns off the bridge...50 yards from my house.......So I get to boat over my shotgun every weekend...Sniffle..sniffle..

He's serving 4 years....
I am visiting the Washinton DC area for the first time with a program from my Son's middle school. The trip included tours of the Arlington National Cemetary and the Vietnam War Memorial among others. We have all heard the saying that, "Freedom is not free." but even as a former service member (Navy) I have to say that visiting these sites is a sombering reminder of what the true cost of Freedom really is, which I regretfully failed to recognize this past Memorial Day. There are currently over 400,000 people buried in Arlington and more than 58,000 names of military personnel killed or missing in action on the Vietnam War Memorial.

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LOVE visiting DC ! Hope you have the time to see it all an enjoy it !! Arlington and the tomb of the unknown are sobering to say the least... What was the family's favorite tour ?
Nice collection.!!!!!!!. I was recently cataloging my grandfathers coins. A large collection of the same, lincoln dimes, buffalo nickels. a large handful of silver dollars from early 1800's, and 1/2 dollars , face value was around $2k.
2 days into it someone broke into my house, stole the entire collection. First time it was outside of the safe in 25 years!!

also stole my 12gauge (purchased when I was 18 years and 1 hour old)......as the police figured it was him, he got scared and threw a bunch of guns off the bridge...50 yards from my house.......So I get to boat over my shotgun every weekend...Sniffle..sniffle..

He's serving 4 years....
How deep is it? Maybe learn to free dive!
How deep is it? Maybe learn to free dive!

Sheriff dive team tried...its about 25ft deep, zero visibility a nominal current and muddy bottom, they're prob under 6" of muck .....Mossberg 500 12ga pump and a few pistols from my neighbors, ....The Fowl population wasn't disappointed to hear this news ! Replaced it with a CZ canvas back....KAPLOWIE !!

Don't let them get comfortable. They will just bum food and poop on your deck.
We had 8 ducks that would swarm us when we sat on our platform in the evening. We would throw the fish (LMB, Stripers, Cats) parts of bagels... and the ducks would try to get the bread first. Was pretty fun to watch with polarized glasses. Fish are faster than birds..
All new calipers, brake fluid flushed and all hubs greased. image.jpeg
Plus who is getting there new boat delivered for Bimini? HAHA
