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Show us what you see!!!

@Scottintexas , ouch, did your arm get stuck in the gear?
LOVE visiting DC ! Hope you have the time to see it all an enjoy it !! Arlington and the tomb of the unknown are sobering to say the least... What was the family's favorite tour ?

Just got back, I liked the MLK memorial the best because of the various quotes found throughout it. All of them were impressive with the most recent one being the 911 Memorial. Maybe it was just me but I thought that it was disrespectful for people to sell Statue of Liberty tours at the entrance to the 911 Memorial.


Didn't have to work today, so took the boat out for Father's Day (because I had to work Father's Day).

6 Foot Hammerhead in the Gulf, just outside the East Pass in Destin. He got so close to shore at one point I thought he was gonna stand up and walk in.

This thing didn't care about us either. We followed him very slow. He stayed so close to the surface going so slow I had to hit reverse a few times. And all 4 of us were able to reach over and touch him. Crazy.

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I see that Whaler 2015 spray paint....you guys need to paint the Jetboaters Logo on there!!! LOL

I was thinking to paint "thugs" under the Whaler tag

I saw a bass one time while I was on the lake.
My son, 2nd from the left (#4), and his best friend since pre-k, David (#22) playing in the All Star game! This was the Junior game and our school had 4 representatives in the Senior game. Our side won both!

Or The Salty Dawg Saloon in Homer Alaska!!

this cracks me up......my shepherd "Loki the awesome" greeting me when I get home...


Just in time for Shark Week!!

Florida had the most unprovoked attacks worldwide with 30 shark attacks during 2015. That's seven more than in 2014, but less than the record high of 37 in the year 2000.
In another comparison, there were six lightning fatalities within the state and no shark fatalities.
Even bees, wasps and snakes kill more people each year than sharks.
Well, it ain't Bimini,...... But at least it's a sunset on a workday!!!