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A little one onone time with my boy mid week..... we were acting and reeling in... not what you would call fishing... maybe practic.. falls lake!
make sure you get him some wheel time today, maybe even docking practice!
Imagine my surprise when 3 Yamahas pull up and beach on Siesta Key while I'm parked on the beach on vacation.!!!!

So happy to meet you guys in person!
Andy20160623_114258.jpg 20160623_113835.jpg
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A little one onone time with my boy mid week..... we were acting and reeling in... not what you would call fishing... maybe practic.. falls lake!

thats a whole lotta rocks. . . .hope you have a keel guard. . . = )
We have a house in Wolfeboro. That's on our private beach.

brookfield CT to Wolfboro NH ?!?!!? that's HUGE. I use to hang in the area of Sally's gut on the weekends and hike the hell out of Stonedam island (half blind)
brookfield CT to Wolfboro NH ?!?!!? that's HUGE. I use to hang in the area of Sally's gut on the weekends and hike the hell out of Stonedam island (half blind)
Haven't heard that name in decades. I've been through Sally's gut several times as a kid.