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That's awesome! Was that planned? Or they just happened to anchor up in front of you?

Wasn't planned with me. Lol

I had read about a group planning on Bimini who decided they would create a Plan B vacation. I was in Siesta key for the week.

Out on the beach, 3 Yamahas beach to my right, so when everyone got settled I walked over. This is the best forum. Jim, David, and Junior are a20160623_132427.jpg great bunch of people.
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Wasn't planned with me. Lol

I had read about a group planning on Bimini who decided they would create a Plan B vacation. I was in Siesta key for the week.

Out on the beach, 3 Yamahas beach to my right, so when everyone got settled I walked over. This is the best forum. Jim, David, and Junior are aView attachment 40136 great bunch of people.
I agree, best forum and it is full of great people!

That pvc pipe wagon is pretty cool too!
So yesterday was fun! That's what I call a driveway.

Going down a bit too easy for a Sunday. . . . .

This boat tried to drive over the old spillway and go high centered. Of all my years boating on this lake I have never seen this. The water is still about 6 feet high. Normally you can see the concrete dam for the spill way, but it is just covered with water. I happened to drive by about 30 minutes after it happened and the husband and wife were still on there.
This boat tried to drive over the old spillway and go high centered. Of all my years boating on this lake I have never seen this. The water is still about 6 feet high. Normally you can see the concrete dam for the spill way, but it is just covered with water. I happened to drive by about 30 minutes after it happened and the husband and wife were still on there.
View attachment 40264

That's crazy
This boat tried to drive over the old spillway and go high centered. Of all my years boating on this lake I have never seen this. The water is still about 6 feet high. Normally you can see the concrete dam for the spill way, but it is just covered with water. I happened to drive by about 30 minutes after it happened and the husband and wife were still on there.
View attachment 40264
Is there anything marking its existence?
Is there anything marking its existence?
Yes. Huge signs that say "Boats do not enter". Plus it just looks like you should not go through it. Here is another shot from farther away.
Procrastinators club:
purchased MAy 2015, installed June 2016......what your seeing is the factory default settings....love it.

purchased June 2015, installed June 2016:...New Centroid Fuel sending unit.

Purchased May 2016....to be installed ???????!?!?!?!!?!?!?

Out cruising Texoma at sunset with my kids. Going fast and doing donuts.1467078042690-1077923168.jpg
Mmmmm Donuts!
