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Show us what you see!!!

Looks like a couple 50 foot MTI's.
Two of them so one for the wife?

Ha yeah! The one in the back had a lifted jeep on the trailer similar to hummer on the first one.

Can you surf behind it ??? ;) Didn't think so...

no, but I could wakeboard at 150 mph lol.
In St. Louis over the weekend...these folks are from Switzerland. The young lady was an exchange student that stayed with us in 2007-2008. The man on the her left his her father and the other young man is her boyfriend. She was studying in Waterloo, Ontario for her master's program so they decided that they wanted to take a biking trip. All three bicycled from Waterloo to Springfield, Mo!! 2670 miles!! Now that is some serious biking!!

20160626_114431.jpg Kids found a bat yesterday in the jungle gym house.
So long Fort Lauderdale...

Curtesy of @Livi0411 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

About dam time. I ordered that thing Amazon Prime a week ago.
What do you think that gas bill is when he's done 30 minutes later filling the tanks....
@Gavin decided to help wash the salt off of the boat. He did a good job on the outside while I cleaned the inside.

My projects at work:
Change out the seats on 2 Pettibones
Grab chain and pull out a fork lift from a muddy job
Weld up some mortar board stands
Take the truck and pick up bulk bags from a job
Run hydraulic scaffold units so they are ready for a job next week.
I flew 2 miles down the lagoon to get an aerial view of the fireworks last night. Family didn't feel like going so we watched it live from the quadcopters perspective.

The closer stuff starts at 4 minutes.

I flew 2 miles down the lagoon to get an aerial view of the fireworks last night. Family didn't feel like going so we watched it live from the quadcopters perspective.

The closer stuff starts at 4 minutes.

Glad you didn't get lost at night! Was it easy to find your way back or did you use the return home feature?