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A Double rainbow! Oh my gosh a double rainbow!!!!

Got out on Falls Lake with a few coworkers tonight....there were 2 other boats on the lake as the rest cleared out from a storm that rolled through between 4 and 5pm.....the whole lake was glass until we showed up! LOL

Sunset on the canal...
IMG_20160705_2042106.jpg IMG_20160705_2042192.jpg
That's the modded transmitter. I was just over 10K' away (so not quite 2 miles) and got a low signal warning right when I got to the fireworks but I was only at 400' altitude. So I went up to 600' (don't tell the FAA) and got several bars back. I think it may have been behind some tall trees near me so not direct line of sight. I got back with over 30% battery and it was a little breezy that night.

@njmr2fan I didn't record the flight home because I thought it would be boring....next time I'll do that though. I have another one where I flew from my house to the gulf of mexico (maybe a mile away) during the day. I actually lost signal due to some trees in my line of sight. Luckily the return to home feature activates on its own when you lose signal and it just comes back to you. When it was back in view, I turned off the return to home function and brought it back manually. I was afraid to violate the 400' limit since it was during the day and sometimes there are low aircraft over the beach during the day (banner planes) I'll upload that one later today if people promise not to come to my house and stalk me....LOL. Just beware, I'm not the smoothest pilot, getting better but that video was right after I got it.

Here it is. Might want to watch it in 2X speed. Sure was a gorgeous day. But the guy at the controls wasn't very good...LOL

I lost signal due to some trees in my neighborhood so as soon as I got to the beach, "return to home" activated.....I was afraid to fly higher then but I would have had a much better signal with line of sight.

This was delivered sometime early this morning between 5 and 6a. A second shore spike for the waverunners and towables when we are camping near the water.

I saw this in downtown St. Charles, IL. I have not experienced being attacked by the bird but the city posted a sign on both ends of the stretch of sidewalk that ran near some bushes.. It must be serious.
Shouldn't the stick figure be hunched over and have a cane or walker?
LOL...exactly...the school ones have books in their hands, that seems fitting. Maybe a Viagra boner.
I flew 2 miles down the lagoon to get an aerial view of the fireworks last night. Family didn't feel like going so we watched it live from the quadcopters perspective.

The closer stuff starts at 4 minutes.

That's awesome! I enjoyed watching that more than the show I went to Corpus Christi to see!

Tomorrow will either be day in the lake or a day of building shelves to store all the boat stuff. If I don't build them soon I will have to start rehoming.
After watching ,"The Life of Pets," as requested by Gavin all week we went for dinner. As we were leaving Bruce noticed this Yamaha in the Wal-Mart parking lot... It was our first boat with a few more scuffs... We had some good times in that boat...