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No foul. Ref was right there at the base line. Probably should have been called. It was a hard blowWas there a foul called on the play? 2 or 3 officials? I'm going to assume it was off ball and nothing got called
Just tie all the pieces together!
I have at a minimum an intentional foul (Flagrant One in college) and depending on how the game was up till that point I might go flagrant (Flagrant two in college) and toss the girl - if there were other problems. Sorry to see that happen to your daughter, but you never know what kind of officials you are going to get at summer tournaments. Lots of guys just doing it for the money!No foul. Ref was right there at the base line. Probably should have been called. It was a hard blow
Just tie all the pieces together!
View attachment 41607 View attachment 41608 View attachment 41609 View attachment 41606 My daughter after taking an elbow to the eye in an out of control basketball game against a team that hates us because we always whip their $&@!
Wish we could drive on our beach ..... I might actually go if I could!